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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. It IS strange, and as others have said, I'd like to see him play pre-season round 3. But I'm still looking for the "Absofarkinlutely" button. Now, I will go outside and attempt to walk and chew gum simultaneously.
  2. Maybe taking things at their apparent face value a bit Biz? I don't know Biffen, but the T$ thread is not to be taken seriously. Seriously. If your beef is over there, please take it up over there. From an avid AFLW fan.
  3. Personkind is very aggrieved that you would use his / her / its name in a post without reference to personkind's sensitivities, ancestors & forebears, sexual orientation, preferred brand of hair removal product, emotional state, yoga position, mental health status, personal hygiene status, the feelings of his / her / its pet avocado, and the number of months since his / her / its preferred transport vehicle (car is just such a mansplaining word) engine oil became overdue for a change even though vehicle oil change products are not exempt from GST.
  4. So we could rename the thread: "2017: A Jack Watts Odyssey" Hope it has a fantastic ending.
  5. I'm in Adelaide today. Do you think you could throw a few of them there IQ's in this direction?
  6. Wow. After attending the game and taking a decent squizz all through this thread, the Tommy Mac receptors on my retinas have been blinded by the blast of the post match radioactive fallout / chest puffing exercise. At the same time, the Jacky Watts receptors in my eyes have begun to recuperate and recover well. I wonder are these boys in parallel opposite universes? Could we clone them into Jack McDonald and Tom Watts and give the site a conniption meltdown? Well I don't really want to bring the site down, I just wonder if Tom has become the Claytons Jack Watts?
  7. Can't believe the size of this crowd! It's 4 times bigger than a large VFL crowd. Still managed to find the E&B roll stand
  8. Bit rough. Everyone deserves a little leeway when they go a bit Colonel Kurtz while in Asia.
  9. Absolutely great news. At VFL level last year he was in the thick of it as a key forward. Hits the pack with a strong body that belies his looks and young age. Can't wait for him to put on a bit more bulk over the next couple of years so he can mix it up with the big boys. One coach last year called him "a natural born killer". I look forward to the day when we can all see that come to reality on the field in the seniors.
  10. Hem, I suspect that Biff, along with many of us, are still in the phase of: "nourishment from all things (as much as you can get), and moderation of the soul".
  11. I love a good Biffo rant. Should be more of them. In fact, I have a theory. Has anyone seen Biffo and Titus O'Reily in the same room at the same time???
  12. Where's the banana? i see an out of place pork sausage among some condiments.
  13. Is Salem called Salo? I've used it, but not sure if I heard it elsewhere or just blurted it out over a few too many beers at a game. If it catches on from nowhere, then I'm happy to take the credit. Otherwise, I'm sad to report the nick 'ABN', as an alternative nick for Nibbler, sadly died before the end of last season,
  14. Did you mean he will be frogging himself? Not that there's anything wrong with that....
  15. Just had a binge-read catch-up of a few pages of this thread. Had a laugh or 3 in doing it. Thanks to the regular stalwarts for keeping it going over the off season. And to the other warts as well - the hog warts and the wart hogs, and maybe the genital ones too. You know who you are. A belated Merry Dec 25th and HNY to you all. Go Dees 2017
  16. Pleased to meet you Some have guessed your name But what's NOT puzzling you Is the nature of your game…
  17. Careful Moonie. We may have to report you to the mods for going off topic while the actual topic is itself off topic.
  18. That would be most unfortunate for D-L. Though I must say, in his absence I have enjoyed not having my screen display run out of RED and Blue ink for a while.
  19. Agree about the judgement vs what it was like 'in our day'. I got away with some very risky stuff, but in hindsight it was just an unseen car / pedestrian away from disaster. What is really the yardstick is the norm for today, not a generation ago. My sons and daughters (now 21 - 26 yo) just don't drive if they have had a drink, or they plan ahead to get a lift if they are going to drink. It has become the societal standard of those who accept the societal rules. I don't want the book thrown at Clarrie. But however it happens, I want the lesson to be learned - and for that lesson to affect his future behaviour. For his sake, and those he could affect. I trust the club to make the right call and to achieve the right result.
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