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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. By giving him a three year deal The Pres has welded his fate to CS and vice versa. IMO there is a very simple dynamic at work here . This team have been together since 2008, CS as the GEO and DM as VP and then President. During that time the talent list playing for the MFC has slipped backwards every year. The results show that. In 2013 we now have a list that is not capable of being even competitive let alone winning games. By anyone's standards they have failed their responsibilities to have at the very least a team that is competitive. They are the two heads of the MFC. To say they don't run out to play and they don't coach the side so they are not to blame does not cut it. Their responsibility is to have the MFC playing in a competitive manner and have a progressive improvement on the field. Under their watch that has clearly not happened. It is time for them to leave their respective positions. IMO the only thing left to discuss is when. I believe now but that clearly won't happen because the don't accept that the problem in the end comes back to them. So when? It would take a blood bath to remove them before the end of this season. The only hope is that members of the board have to break ranks and tell DC and CS it is time guys. The monetary cost will be big. CS has a three year contract that is six months old with 2.5 years to run that would be you would think over $1miilion pay out. IMO this is where the AFL comes in we have to ask them to provide a CEO for twelve months. Again unlikely to happen because of the ego's involved. We look to be between a rock and a hard place. But that is my view
  2. Stop being so confident in an organisation that could not fight its way out of a wet paper bag.
  3. I don't think there are many who believe we are on the right track stuie. Most I think want changes to the administration. It seems to me the timing is the point of difference. In an ideal world that would be September but my god that is another 20 matches away. So as usual I sit here sad but seeing no way out.
  4. Having read a lot of posts in the last 24 hours stuie my belief is when not what.
  5. IMHO the storm are the best sporting team I have seen in the last 50 years. Sustained success, they take cast off's and make them very good players They just win no matter what. Unbelievable story of triumph over adversity. PS I am glad the dee boys are doing something else I have no comprehension what it feels like to be the butt of everything bad in the AFL
  6. It is from hollywood stuie They think John Wayne won WW2
  7. Sure you had your numbers correct deestar.
  8. Ok I was interested in your view. I used to hold a similar one but I now think it is beyond this administration to produce. In my view they have had five years for zero return. At years end they should retire any thing less will result in a blood bath that will take even longer to recover from. I fear for the very existence of my club
  9. Me too Jaded but I am Male older and have no hair. One of the sad parts of life is that sometimes things are not fixable.
  10. I agree mate but most on here see them as the problem. When most are not.
  11. I agree with a lot of your rant binman. My father told me a long time ago"at least look like a footballer when you run out"
  12. But we trained the house down and the Coach thought after losing to GWS and three others in the nab that we had set things up perfectly for the start of 2013. My error was thinking he meant winning games. Silly me
  13. How many from the last two weeks deserve a spot in the seniors next week? Yes I know I am being a smart arse but playing 3 or 4 young guys this week could hardly make us worse and might spark up a few others around them.
  14. WJ you appear to be a supporter of the status quo.Is there a point at which you would support their removal?
  15. That is your view I prefer to identify the problem. That way you have a small chance of fixing the problem. If you de nigh constantly the problem never gets fixed. Remind you of anything
  16. We are going to disagree Redleg. As Dees we just need someone to blame for our own inabilities.
  17. Sorry Robbie I don't see it that way. I look at the MFC and our performance over a long period and then what the media write. I struggle to disagree with 75% of it. IMO it is not the media's fault we find ourselves in this rat hole.
  18. Stuie is there a point at which you would raise objections?
  19. That change seems to been for the worse CF. Did he say why he is a quarter of the player he was 2 years ago?
  20. I understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately I see no chance of them calling any meeting. They will not go willingly
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