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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I hope not Redleg I would like to see win a few games. On top of my desire to start the season well is the need to get the max. number of members on board. To achieve this we need some good results in the Nab cup. Particulary the first week. Only 2 good results will do.
  2. I think that is a fairly short bet RL
  3. Mate I think we are having the same discussion we have had before. I am sure we are just discussing degrees. I think we are going to agree to disagree on this one.
  4. Then how come WCE seem to have very little problem last year. How come Brisbane won 3 in a row. How come Sydney played in 2 GF's in a row and won 1 and lost the other by less than a goal to the WCE. It seems to me that good sides win and poor sides don't. There may be a small amount of problem but it seems to me it is a handy excuse. Oh we had to go all the way to Perth last week and we were so tired this week. We had better get a grasp of the problem if it is that big or we will be wandering in the wilderness forever.
  5. How do you come to that conclusion wyl? Seems to me we have one of the better ones. Not saying it is necessarily the easiest but looks fairly good to me.
  6. I am confident we have had this discussion before wyl. The travel thing IMO is grossly over played. WCE travel a lot more than other teams . When they have had good sides they win flags. When they have had not so good sides they do not. Just an excuse for poor results. End of the story for me.
  7. Anyone notice the article in todays Hun about which team has the hardest draw? Well, guess what according to the Article the Dees have the easiest. It is based on which teams you play twice and travel. So we had better have a reasonable year.
  8. He is lucky he does not come from Victoria or he would have been dropped a month ago. Then again if he was from NSW he would have another 3 months to go.
  9. Yes there is a little creeping in Deeoldfart. Usually starts around this time of the year. Based on past disasters I try and keep a lid on it By May I am usually well and truely depressed. Perhaps a change this year????
  10. Is it just me or is anyone else over the summer sports already? I could not care less who wins the cricket one day games. Melb. Tigers are hopeless Tennis is gone GP is months away "A" league nah like watching grass grow Perhaps the horses Redleg? I should be the last person wishing my life away but the footy cannot come quick enough for me.
  11. Does anyone know what Davey's injury is? He has had a few leg injuries over the last 3 years. Made a spelling mistake thought I had better correct it before BH got on to me. No it was not Davey
  12. Redleg I think Davey is at the end. his injury list is mounting. He has slowed a little and that was his big strength. give him a hard tag and he is useless. I hope I am wrong but I see him spending a lot of time at Casey this year.
  13. Probably a typo Redleg I am sure you meant to type "when we win"
  14. That is two that they have stuffed up Redleg!
  15. I think I heard he is coaching in HK. Probably getting paid 5 times as much as he was in Melbourne. There is one thing the Victory board cannot do. They cannot change the fact that Ernie won 2 flags. It will be a very long time before that is equalled. I suspect long after the current board has been shown the door.
  16. I don't follow either Redleg, the game frustrates me. I doubt I will ever get keen about soccer, spent too much of my life on AFL. Probably my loss not soccers' The Victory board fasinates me much more than the game.
  17. I know very little about soccer WJ but they do not appear to have a back line in addition to a hopeless board.
  18. This is probably not the thread for it but the Melbourne Victory must be close to the worst run Senior club in Australia ( then again the Melbourne tigers might give them a run ) at present. They go through coaches like there is no tomorrow. Sack the coach that has won them 2 flags His replacment is replaced half way through a season. The third and current coach has no contract past this year and starts talking about changing players but may not be there for the next season. They are on their third FD in less than a year. Perhaps it is not the coaching staff that is the problem The board it seems to me should resign on mass and give someone else a go as they are obviously not up to the job.
  19. Not great though So the caption should be 1 great and 1 fair player!
  20. Sorry wyl but I cannot let this go. We played Hawthorn and Geelong after the Darwin game. I hope you are not suggesting the reason we got pumped in both those games was because we went to Darwin. We were just beaten by far better sides. It is just an excuse to say the reason we got beaten by 30 goals was because we went darwin. I just do not buy it.
  21. Don't hold your breath Unfortunately I think we will have to do this sort of thing for a number of years yet.
  22. I did not mean the humidity in Perth. Vic clubs complain about the travel to WA being upsetting. But it does not seem to worry the WA clubs much. We use it as an excuse for poor results in WA or the week after a game in Perth. When the truth is we have not been all that good of a team and probably would have lost the game if it was played anywhere. Our game in Darwin is on July 21 I have been up there a few times at that time for the Darwin Cup ( driest time of the year ) it is not bad. If we manage it well the problems are low and we get lots of green stuff.
  23. I simply do not believe that, it is like the travel bleating. The two WA sides travel every other week. When they have good sides they win consistantly and when they have poor sides they lose. Manage the game etc well and we will have a limited problem No big deal PS wyl you must have a life as poor as mine. what the hell are we doing discussing a July 21 Darwin game on the 11 Jan? We both need to get lives.
  24. We need to get over this, we need the money so it is put up and shut up for mine.
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