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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I know this is a big issue but surely the players know that they can get hurt when they sign up to play. Is it just me or is everyone now exempt from taking any responsibility for their actions. In this case playing AFL football.
  2. I suspect that a large number have never done journalistic training nutbean. I think are large number are sports people who started writing articles after they finished playing their respective sports.
  3. Now Mandee you know the answer to your last paragraph. There have been a few journalists who have run anti AFL stories but everyone of them is not beholding to the AFL for accreditation. The rest ( Sports writers ) fall into two camps - the sycophants who love the EFC e.g Robbo, Connelly etc - the others keep their heads down so as not to offend the AFL. For most of History the "Innocents" have not had a voice what makes you think this is any different? But you know this already.
  4. Spot on Mr. Leg his body is now not up the AFL level football.
  5. Sorry ET it was a small joke about me distracting the thread. I know who JT is.
  6. Well I am going off track IT I don't mind Budweiser!
  7. If you have poor disposal you are not much use IMO. Still its only a training run and lets give him some time before we can him. Hard to believe the current FD would recruit someone who has poor disposal!
  8. BANANA ALERT There is a serious cyclone forming off the Nth. QLD coast which could do serious damage to the banana crop. This may be the worst problem of 2016. Will it roar ashore and devastate the noble fruit? Oh please no I think I will go back to bed!
  9. I don't mind Barnaby. He is rare amongst pollies he quite often says what he thinks.
  10. Here is a guess. They are not beholding to the AFL like most others in this case.
  11. You may be right sue but remember we are not talking about rocket scientists. These are people who have been brain washed from day one of their careers that you must comply with and follow the group think. Group think got them into this position in the first place they are now continuing with that same thought pattern. And we all should remember they are innocent just ask Gil the Pieman.
  12. As I understand it the best case scenerio is it will take three months for the case to be looked at and then some time after before a decision think mid year before a result. Remember they have not asked for a stay of on the penalties. None of the 12 will be available when they play us and neither will our cheat.
  13. IMO it is easy to see why the Drugies from the EFC would go down this path. I cannot see how they can lose. No financial commitment, if they lose they are no worse off, their suspensions cannot increase. From their view there is nothing to lose?
  14. Sadly R and B I seriously doubt that. If my GD remembers them when she is 30 I will be very happy
  15. Would not surprise me if he retires as a player in the near future.
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