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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That pretty much covers it for me too TF. Her whole story beggars belief, she seems to be gaining sympathy because she came out just before the drug agency made their announcement. No folks she is just another sports drug cheat who got caught.
  2. What you still think there is a possibility he will be on a list? his football career at AFL level is all but over. Perhaps a few games in the second half of the year.
  3. I actually think that AA got the flick from the AFL because he had trouble towing the party line. The net result was we ended up with Gil the Pieman a party line man if there ever was one.
  4. Is Eddie lobbing for the AFL chairman's job? Change might be in the air!
  5. Early wins could give these kids great belief and momentum. Honourable losses are just that losses = zero points we need a couple of bolters. I like Harmes and we need to find the most efficient position for Kennedy '87 was all about momentum, but inlike The Dogs we can win on The 'G the Dogs play Etihad toy ground... I think the answer is NO. While I expect we will show some worthwhile improvement I am not expecting Miracles. We still have a number ordinary players and a lot of kids who are still wet behind the ears. Can someone explain to me why the above happens? all I was trying to do was answer Gorgorth at the top and all of the stuff underneath pops up and nothing I can do gets rid of it. The only remedy seems to be to post it and then later delete the lot.
  6. I think the answer is NO. While I expect we will show some worthwhile improvement I am not expecting Miracles. We still have a number ordinary players and a lot of kids who are still wet behind the ears.
  7. I have read a few things about Ms Sharapova in the last 24 hours. From all reports she is a fairly tough piece of work. While admitting she is guilty do not expect her to accept a long ban. She evidently has a team of Lawyers to battle it out and they are not the [censored] that Hird and company use. This is stage 1 in a long story.
  8. Tennis has been slow with drug testing and gambling. They are a classic example of why sporting organisations should not be supervising themselves. They have a vested interest to find nothing wrong. I lost interest in large international sport some years ago only to then find my loved AFL was as bad as the rest of them. The more money involved the more corruption. The only reason I stay involved with AFL is the MFC but I take little notice of games that do not involve the MFC.
  9. A sane appraisal Robbie, I agree.
  10. We have a list of AFL standard at last TF. makes all the difference when you believe the side on the field has an even chance of winning.
  11. Not that it means much TF but you have won my comment of the Day. wonderful.
  12. Interesting from my view that I have not seen anyone else in the media say this which IMO should have always been an option. I guess if you take out the EFC loving scribes and those that are scared of the AFL it does not leave many to voice this option.
  13. From my contacts Dr I see little of what you say above. I am not saying you are incorrect I am yet to see it from a single EFC supporter I have en counted.
  14. LDC the Majority of EFC supporters firmly believe Hird has done nothing wrong and the club is being persecuted by all and sundry ( they cannot explain why). The Chairman and committee are playing firmly to this group and for this group it is working. They don't give a tinkers cuss about what the general football public think. Unite EFC supporters it is Us against the world.
  15. I was at a gathering yesterday that included a couple of Essendrug supporters. They are going on the walk to the ground before round 2 game. Honestly you could not talk to them they have swallowed all the EFC and Hird crap completely. They firmly believe there is a conspiracy by everyone and anyone to get them. They seemed incapable of answering WHY? No one took anything wrong end of story. After five minutes I gave up and a Pies supporter there whispered to me " Blind Faith"
  16. I am very confident that 99% of MFC supporters would agree with you BA.
  17. If there was the slightest doubt that the man is divorced from reality this must prove all doubt is gone He cannot help but keep inserting himself in the public domain. He needs some serious help.
  18. A decade is a long to be the also rans of any competition dee-luded. AS Jon Ralph said in today's HUN " But for a club that has defined mediocrity for a decade , NAB cup wins against Port Adelaide and the Dogs will do just fine."
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