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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Redleg I have been trying really hard not to say anything tonight because all the blind optimists on demonland will say I am delighting in our sambolic performance. This could not be further from the truth I am hurting as badly as any Dees supporter on this earth. My worst fears are unfolding before me. But i cannot help myself any longer. Mate you are watching a very poor team, we were crap in 2011 and all sorts of excuses were made, crap coach, poor game plan, problems between the FD and Manangement. The answer is and I keep saying it we have a poor group of players. End of story. At least now we will not go into 2012 with over stated expectations. But to answer your Question. For a very long time
  2. No arguement from me You are suffering the Dee Blues Have you caught onto single malt yet? It makes a hell of a difference
  3. Winning shuts all criticism dees189227 When we start winning you will quickly forget Blazers, Bugle boys, lost sponsors, Jon Ralph and smart arses on Demonland
  4. Life is wonderful is it not Just noticed on the MFC website that a membership will get you into the game against Port for free. Gee we should all race over there to take advantage of that great offer. Not much money will be expended on that one!
  5. Interesting article on SEN this morning. During the Eddy debarcle from sunday night discussion he raised the subject of Indigenous players and lower stamina levels. He said he would be doing a segment next sunday on Indigenous players and the extra effort required in maitiance especially when they are young. It was mainly about recruiting players to AFL clubs too young. There appears to be an idea to increase the age to 19. It was supported by KB and Patrick Smith who said a number of managers have raised the issue.
  6. Kicking skill or the lack of it kept Richmond down for 20 years. How many games did they kick it to Richardson's feet or over his head or the left when he led right. Thanks for the reply Redleg I did read it on the other thread.
  7. Hi Redleg I have not seen your thoughts or have I missed them? Did you see any improvement? I was struggling it had all the earmarks of Geelong last July. God what does that hold in 2012!
  8. mate as I type it is not looking flash. Hate Hot chocolate but perhaps a single malt later on. The bright spot is I am baby sitting my GD tonight and she is more fun than the MFc will be in March.
  9. Is it just me or are other people also feeling absolutely flat following the events of the last 24 hours. I know he is only one player and he was not likely to play for some time but I feel like the one time the Dees get a player who is capable of being a champion and it is over before it really started. Tomorrows game at this point holds little interest for me. Did not feel this bad after that infamous day at Geelong.
  10. No but I noticed you know who was not among the best players
  11. Did you go to Wang last night?
  12. Colours are fine DC but don't think there are MFC logos big enough to cover the "NOR" misogynous comment accepted as nothing would happen without her skill in this area. Than again a Pies supporter might be tempted to sow them on upside down.
  13. Yes but believe me it happens especially the shorts best option available. Now where do I get the RED and blue ones?
  14. Believe it or not DC before a recent knee injury I was doing about 60 - 70 km a week to try and stay healthy. I do enjoy it. Just back on the bike in the last two weeks, put on 4 kg over 3 months off the road. I know you are baiting me re the boater so no further comment.
  15. Any idea were I could get one DC? My current cycling gear is getting a little worn. With my luck the red would turn out pink or maroon
  16. BB I find myself in the opposite camp to CS again. I don't like his idea of "red" and I do not like this blazer idea. Looks like something we found in a trunk at the back of the store room. Should have left it there. Portrays the MFC as something stuck in the past,
  17. Saturday Night game Footscray vs GWS I thought there was a serious jumper clash at this game. Red Dogs jumper vs a 75% Orange jumper from GWS How does that fit the AFL policy? Or Is it just me Sorry guys missed the thread on same subject
  18. I have worked as a supplier to that industry for 35 years DC Too much power in the hands of two. No where in the world do 2 control 80% of the market. I could tell you stories of how bad they are for 2 hours but I am sure we both have better things to do.
  19. I still dream Deeoldfart quite often over the last few years I think it is the only thing I have left. Perhaps 2012 will be the start! We maybe 2 year olds starting our first campaign?
  20. WJ I have got to the point with GWS that all things to do with them make my brain go into hibernation mode and my eyes glaze over . But if I must comment then it is a very ordinary song but so are all the new entrants IMO. All the good ones are gone and it takes 50+ years before heritage starts to kick in, I thing Geelong has one of the worst songs but over time it grows on people Especially after you win 3 flags in 5 years. On that basis the GWS is going to be poxy well past all of our times on this earth.
  21. No, too rich for me wyl just from what I have picked up during Neeld's last couple of public mutterings. Hey I might be adding 2 and 2 and getting 5, it is just my reading of the situation.
  22. The pies under strength is probably still way above the dees in early March. Time will tell Redleg just don't get to far ahead of ourselves. I smell " we are learning a new system and it takes time" in the air. Which may be 100% correct I just do not have a good vibe after hearing Neeld yesterday.
  23. I am used to pain following the Dees it comes with the territory. Have not given up yet wyl. Amongst all the extreme positivity on Demonland I cannot help but try and inject a bit of realism ( i think I just made up that word ) It would pay us all to remember this is basically the same lot that gave us such a wonderful 2011. They are trying to play a new style and a lot in different positions and as everyone reminds me they are mostly kids who need more games. Under those conditions it is not unrealistic to expect some poor performances at the start of 2012. Playing Collingwood and Hawthorn when you are trying to learn something new looks like very hard work to me. Both belted us last year when we supposedly knew what we were doing.
  24. After hearing Neeld yesterday Redleg I think you are right. The things he said suggested to me that for the Dees the nab cup was more about testing plans and players than winning. So on that basis I thinks rounds 2 and 3 will be wipe outs. The pain could start in early march this year.
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