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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. This is quite amazing we almost made it to April before the clash jumper subject raise it's head. I don't care what we wear when we are winning. For me it is the winning not the clash jumper that counts.
  2. Now that is a neat trick CB poor Brayshaw gets flung when he did not play today.
  3. Over the last few years that would have been a ten goal loss. but now we win. good sides win the close ones now I am not saving we are champions but now we have the skill level needed to comeback and finally starting to believe we can win no matter what. A good start to 2016.
  4. Over the last few years that would have been a ten goal loss. but now we win. good sides win the close ones now I am not saving we are champions but now we have the skill level needed to comeback and finally starting to believe we can win no matter what. A good start to 2016.
  5. Over the last few years that would have been a ten goal loss. but now we win. good sides win the close ones now I am not saving we are champions but now we have the skill level needed to comeback and finally starting to believe we can win no matter what. A good start to 2016.
  6. I don't have the slightest fear that it is untrue dc. It is very difficult for the a small club like the MFC to win a GF in the 21st century. The best I can hope for is for the MFC to play finals into the second week.
  7. There won't be another contract and with $6million already I doubt he will care.
  8. What the statement proves is that a lot of footballers are not rocket scientists or anything remotely close.
  9. Ernest a long time ago my father told me never act in anger. I have seen nothing in the interim to suggest he was wrong.
  10. There is not a snow flake in hell chance GWS will be there to play us!
  11. WE have had a few play like that in recent times hardtack.
  12. They would need to pinch parkland I believe dc. The ground would move back towards the G.
  13. GP Saturday the rest I am earning brownie points for the season proper.
  14. Sadly Mr Shadow it won't the best he can expect is to play in a top six side that plays finals.
  15. Just suggesting we have already bridged the conscience divide what is another at this point.
  16. In the Reverends absence Thank you for that reply Father Daisy.
  17. We already have one LDC our self interest took over some time ago. What is another drug cheat?
  18. Forget NT members until we start winning games and move up the ladder. Winners are grinners and every thing flows front that.
  19. Seems reasonable to me CB I am not sure why all the angst.
  20. That is quite a list LDC. Where there is big money there will be corruption and you put the house on that one.
  21. From what we now know about concussion I would think the answer is No. Everyone knows what Jones can give so why risk him in a practise match?
  22. That would probably stop a couple of thousand members from signing up. They are not all rusted on like you and me Sir.
  23. This seems to be a subject that a lot seem to ignore stuie. So I cannot only assume the same lot want the MFC to be half a million poorer every year.
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