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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. On occasions like the last week wyl I seriously doubt it But what choice do I have I can continue with a 50 year ( i.e. half a century ) habit. Or I can leave, it won't happen while the MFC exists However my anger is increasing
  2. Oh please wyl I am freezing my butt off here. I will be there but the bar looks a good option. That way my attenance is recorded and I get the best of a bad lot. Only joking I will be in the stand as usually with confidence until about the 20 minute mark of quarter one.
  3. After following the Dees for 50+ years I thought I had experienced the lowest point. However this week has proved me wrong. Am I witnessing the final months of the MFC? Who knows but I am sitting here this morning contemplating Sunday. Will I go Yes, do I want to go No. I will trudge along through duty. But For one of the few times in the last 50 years my heart is not in it.
  4. Redleg another one injured Martin this time. Another foot injury That makes it 14 from my count Plus one suspended for a total of 15 players unavailable this week. Will this ever end
  5. That our young list is inferior to GCS?
  6. God I hope you are right Imagine losing to the GCS Too horrible to contemplate
  7. There is only one solution redleg Start winning games
  8. We could seriously be struggling to field a side by the last round. I am beginning to seriously doubt our ability to win against the GWS.
  9. Interesting I spend Saturday watching Uni Blacks in Amos . They won again on top and 1 game clear. Had fun with a couple of mates. Makes me realise you can go to the footy and have a good time. Finals football coming I think this is my spot for the next few weeks. Heard the expected score from the dome of death and my reaction was oh hum what is new. Spent yesterday baby sitting my GD. So all in all a good weekend. I doubt I will go on the weekend even if it is GCS I have got to the point of who cares anymore with the Dees.
  10. I never got drafted WJ and as a result never went . Never marched to stop the war But I have bad memories of those days. Friends who suffered. And the Dees were crap the whole time. But I did meet my wife so not a total wash out.
  11. Really don't compare do they Redleg I remember that time well
  12. Redleg I have never seen you worry so much about anything. Will you please take confidence from my life long journey with the MFC. WE are a lock for 16th or lower. I wish I was as sure of the Tattslotto numbers tomorrow night. Put down the glasses it is all over and there will be little shouting.
  13. Well when you say it like that it is hard to resist. But no I must serve out my punishment
  14. Make that 99 redleg I have rejected your punishment. I am baning myself from all talk on the MFC from Midnight Friday 27/7 till midnight 28/7.
  15. OH No Please how can you be so cruel. Anything but that throw me in the briar patch please.
  16. H_T just remembered we are not supposed to discuss this person on here. Not sure what our penance should be. I will accept being banned from attending this weeks game
  17. Justifiably so H_T The Dogs got done something cronic Or we got a great deal. Probably both.
  18. At Hawthorn I would imagine a hell of a lot more than at the Dees. To be honest I have no idea how thy calculate the "compensation" Based on past experience the AFL has probably not worked out a system yet. They usually make up these things on the run. As another aside how must Footscray feel they got one pick for their guy going to GWS and we got 2 picks. Their guy is five times the player ours is!
  19. I thought Moloney and Bate were both free agents which means we cannot trade them and get nine tenths of nothing for them. Or am I mistaken?
  20. Yah no financial problems every again. Your generosity knows no boundaries Redleg.
  21. Very Good DC glad to see you have not lost IT.
  22. Redleg it may be having some effect. But we were crap before most of these injuries happened. It is playing ostriches to think this is our major problem. PS we are rock sold for 16th.
  23. There have been times in Asia wyl When I would have killed for a potato !
  24. I think I share many of your thoughts DC Actually I am more than a bit numb now the way the team has performed since the end of 2010. I have come to the conclusion that talk of premierships is a waste of time. I guess I should content myself with the fact that I have seen one. Doubt I will again I doubt there are enough years left in my bank I would be happy if the MFC could become good enough to win more games than we lose and not be the runt of the competition.
  25. My god the natives have been restless the last 36 hours. Everyone is at each others throats after the disaster in Darwin. Not sure why it was not a surprise. There were probably 8 players in that team that are clearly not AFL standard. Our list is poor and has been reduced even further by injury. I was actually surprised the result was only four goals. If everyone is restless today imagine next Monday after a 10 goal flogging by North at the Dome of Death!
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