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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Seems JG's papers are stamped. If you cannot get a game when two key defenders are dropped and another three were bloody awful then will you ever?
  2. Lynch must think it his birthday. The only danger to him is he might fall over laughing at that defence and injury himself.
  3. That side has a lot of wet behind the ears kids. Not a lot of experience on the back line particularly the HBL. Two of them were very ordinary last week and the other was average at Casey. Does not fill me with confidence.
  4. Surely we are not offering Dawes another contract! Please someone wake me up.
  5. You don't like their money Rocky?
  6. Games results suggest he is having a big influence !
  7. I am 99% confident I tread in the HUN today that the judge said in the decision that Hird presented no evidence to support his action. Very Strange
  8. After some thought I don't think you like him
  9. Perhaps I should have said people in glass houses should not throw stones. Drafting is not an exact science it is way harder than a lot believe.
  10. I tend to agree with you stuie 33% failure rate does not look flash.
  11. I think we belonged to the same school of thought for about six years
  12. Sorry AF I find that hard to agree to. We are a ten win team this year you saw on Saturday that we can still be very ordinary. We have a much improved list but still have a lot of wet behind the ears kids who need another couple of years before they propel us into finals games.
  13. Perhaps mistakenly BB but I think he still gives more over a period of time than the other two. Because they are both very young I think they need a rest at Casey to regain their confidence again only my opinion but both looked VFL players on Saturday..
  14. I am out of the country for the next two games AF so how does this grab you? A win this week followed by a loss the following. We can beat GCS they have been devastated by injury and the Dogs have too much talent for us.
  15. Try as I might Ernest I could not come up with words to give a greater emphasis. Hardly surprising I guess that I could not out do you Ernest.
  16. Funny you should mention that ww I was watching and thought he was going up and down in the one spot. He has probably the biggest tank in the team but seemed slow on Saturday.
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