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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. A very good question Barney wish I could give you a very good answer,
  2. It seems doubtfull he will get on the Park to prove anything olisik. I think he is for the high jump. From my memory in our very ordinary sides of a couple of years ago he played a quarter of good football here and there. Not AFL standard and Body wont let him get on the park. All over for mine.
  3. Manny surely you jest. When he is gone would be a better comment IMO.
  4. Since then Ernest we have discovered that the Ruskies were cheating on a grand scale. Even sanctioned by their government. How does that make you feel after all the money you contributed?
  5. Thanks dpostive. I have been in mortal fear that courtesy was dead I now know there are still a few of us left in the world.
  6. We can replace Dawes with him next season bb!!!
  7. I just read the article in todays HUN about re testing of the last two Olympics. It has confirmed my opinion of Most big time international sports. It seems that testing is now better and they can find things that were undetectable or in the case of the Russians rotten to the top. The Olympics are coming up and whatever level you look at them corruption pores from ever orifice. Drug cheating and corruption at country and International level. We should simply not turn on this farce on our TV's that is IMO the only impact we can have. However that will not happen so They are lost to me.
  8. The extend period should be the rest of 2016. What we don't know about multiple concussions would fill a very large book but what we do know is they are far from good.
  9. Take your pick there were plenty of ordinary forwards last week.
  10. Now do not get me wrong bb as I like him a lot but that does not say a lot.
  11. Newton was playing Sandy and Bugg was playing a team which is in the best two or three in the AFL. A substantial difference I would suggest. IMHO Newton is like Michie both are Good at VFL level but struggle at the top. Neither would get a game at the top six clubs.
  12. Correct bb it seems that we are now seeing reds under every bed. We have the best list in a decade and still people see a negative in every situation.
  13. I know the feeling.
  14. It seems the statt you have missed WJ is that Dawes made it through a game uninjured. A minor miracle I would have thought.
  15. No one has called me that in a very long time DC. thanks
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