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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Arr but I can see the fish swimming around the bottom of the pier dc. I think I can just about get one with my net-------------------
  2. I think a little aggressive bb We need to get out of the bottom six first
  3. IMO the 3 week trade period is a trade off ( no Pun intended ) to the Players union. It is an attempt to ward off total Free agency. Oh and we are 120 not out Who said it was time for this thread to be shut!!!!!
  4. Yes it is Redleg but when you consider that we have finished close to the bottom for the 6 years and the results of this year are taken into account The only conclusion is we have a very poor list so big changes are needed. I think we have approx. 10 players who are of a standard that would allow us to rise up the ladder. I must admit I thought 8 would be the max. number of changes this year.
  5. I am not Redleg I think it is showing his worth in 2012. I suspect there maybe a chance if he is simply delisted by the Dees and someone takes a chance for no outlay Or perhaps via the draft. Something may pop up at the end of the trade period but I doubt it. If you cannot get a game as a forward at the MFC in 2012 you must be in very poor form.
  6. It is definitely our culture dc. I blame our lack of it.
  7. Please bb my taste buds just had an fit.
  8. Why bb Jack is signed up who needs the old man!
  9. A disgrace is the only word that comes to mind dc. If it was not for the fact we are 119 not out I would be deeply depressed.
  10. Do we actually have any concrete proof the MFC wants to trade Gysberts JT This may be all a "Denham Dream"
  11. You are right he will never be that lethal.
  12. You have my vote
  13. Nice to have you aboard Chelly But there is something you need to know. That person you mention ( not J Viney ) is not to be mentioned on this thread. It is a ------ free zone.
  14. My problem Redleg is I find myself yelling at the screen. Along the lines of " you -u----- idiot." Best I try and stay away.
  15. Just made a resolution I am staying off "The drafting and trading board" Hope it turns out better than my New Year Resolutions!
  16. I think your memory is failing bb Seem to remember great excitment after 2010 season and drafting. Then again last year after Neeld was appointed. Both ended in disaster. Now I will admit this year does look way better than this time last year because we are changing some of the cattle this year. So I hope 2013 shows a small amount of improvement. ( fingers, arms, legs crossed )
  17. Blood pressure is fine Just pulled the cork on the Single malt Don't normally have one on Monday night however that is probably the best news for 2012 so far so what the hell.
  18. Fine with me CB I took interest in him this year read all the reviews of GCS games saw him twice on TV and watched him at the G vs the Dees. I struggle with what all the fuss is about. looks a ordinary player on his good days to me. Happy he does not want to come to the Dees. The feeling is mutual.
  19. You are not Robinson Crusoe Redleg
  20. Some things in life are easier to achieve than others Biffen
  21. Really hard to see you losing from that one Redleg
  22. His view is that the end justify s the means LH.
  23. The up side is you cannot put "credibility" in the bank. I think his clients would be very happy with their bank balances and in the example of Tippet only Crows supporters are unhappy. Sounds like an all round win to me.
  24. And a long slug of bundaberg!
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