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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. You watched last week Rev? did you notice Port kick our arse by scoring at will and the only change we make to the back line is Garland out because he is injured. Grimes and Dunn have forgotten more than 4 of that line up will ever know. we have been failing at the selection table for a month and the trend continues.
  2. Over the last month our selections have been mystifying. We keep picking players who are struggling and over looking players who are in good form and have proven ability. What the hell is going on Mr Roos? If I hear him say again we messed up selection I will throw up on the spot.
  3. My God that backline could not keep me out let alone Hawthorn. hawks by 8 goals.
  4. Ok that saves me looking for you on Saturday Steve.
  5. Electric Horseman comes to mind. Is it football or an art gallery?
  6. Arrr! you have just ruined my night nightmares coming up. however a couple of single malts might fix things
  7. I agree with a large part of the above Ernest. I would add that the only AFL I watch are the games involving the MFC I seldom watch another team. If something serious were to happen to the MFC like you I would walk away. Big time international Sport does very little for me in the second decade of the 22nd century.
  8. If we needed any proof that the Olympics are rotten to the core we have it today. Russia that paragon of Fair play has nominated Sharapova in their tennis team even though she is still suspend for drug cheating. they have more front than Myer and a hide thicker than a Rhino. And the Olympic organisation expects us to admire them. If she is not immediately reject by the IOC then we all know beyond doubt what they are. The most surprising thing is that they still surprise me!
  9. There are a lot of pleasant evenings to come before that happens Sir. I will be happy to go with one you young things can enjoy the multi s
  10. I seriously doubt the MCG is big enough to hold us all iv'a. But a sterling idea. Smoking jackets with elbow patches and crystal glass in hand. That sounds like the correct attire I can just see us all on GF day !
  11. Golden But can I just have a little joy with the dees before then Rev?
  12. Funnily enough TRAB I drank more good single malt when we were the pits. It helped ease the pain and convince me there were still fine things in life.
  13. I find is amusing bb that early in 2016 you ( and others ) said it would be June and were treated with a little less than enthusiasm. And here we are looking at June.
  14. AS I said earlier this week Steve you are safe he will not be playing this week.
  15. Sounds like a plan formed in heaven Rev. Go for it the time for celebrating is increasing by the week.
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