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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. to like Basil Rathbone shows there is still a flicker of hope there Bbo. Hang in there this will pass about 4.30PM on March 31st 2013
  2. My god Bbo has the hot weather hit already in Romsey? or you have taken something weird with your coffee this morning. Please get yourself to the nearest hospital asap I fear for your sanity
  3. Very good Dr I really like it. I think you are in front today so far for the best quip
  4. My estimation of you Bbo has just fallen through the floor. Be gone you heretic.
  5. I love her to death biffen but that is beyond the call of duty. One new member is not worth that much labour.
  6. Caught me there dc, of course I do not have my own banana tree. But I do have a GD, two years old and still thinks the sun shines out of PA. She has a blue and red Teddy ( demon ), soft blue and red footy but I think I am fighting a losing battle. Mum is Bombers and God forbid her father is a Pie.
  7. Bananas and Apricots off my own tree tonight for desert DC. Apricots left to ripen on the tree have no equal. Bloody delicious. I will front up again tomorrow morning with same on my steel cut oats. Grand children are just wonderful dc if I had known how good they were I would have had them first.
  8. "No it won't. The media is so lazy and so obsessed with Melbourne that they've become completely incapable of stringing together more than a few words on any subject without dropping in the obligatory reference to the Demons and the T word no matter what story they happen to be covering at the time:-" You are correct but at least we only got a couple of lines in a page 3 story that had Lake getting 2/3 of a page. I reckon this will get a lot more airplay this week.
  9. "Redleg is a linguist of great cunning and possesses an expert knowledge of the Urdu language." Brilliant WJ That starts this week on a high note.
  10. I see a certain Mr and Mrs Lake have been arrested last night for D and D Evidently they were very much the worst for wear. Might get us out of the news for a couple of days. Wonder what the hawks are thinking of their deal to recruit him now?
  11. Most civilised away from the riff raff that inhabit the MCG these days. I could handle a little of that myself at present
  12. Shall do Macca now that the Bears are watching again the 49's have my support Oh for the great Joe Montana
  13. Just finished a nice little red Macca and I am considering finishing the evening with a wee dram of single malt. Latest bunch of bananas are a bit green No.1 wife dropped the ball yesterday, I like mine well ripened. So it looks like strawberries on the Steel cut Oats tomorrow morning.
  14. Yes Redleg but on that other thread please
  15. I have been here since day 1 macca and you are welcome anytime mate just don't talk about Ts or the recent on going BS with the AFL
  16. Sorry to upset you bb but they are talking about the Dakar rally which is now run in South America. They shifted it a couple of years back due to political problems in Africa. It is still called the "Dakar Rally" but run throught desert parts of South America.
  17. 150 not out. Who would have thought that a thread dedicated to everything non TS would rise to these heights. If only our team could deliver such success. On ward and up ward 200 is the goal and a modestly successful season for the Dees would make 2013 much more enjoyable than the last 6 years.
  18. and no taste as well and I know Bbo
  19. I am a bears fan dc so I am sulking! lived for a short while in Chicago back in the early eighties. Good place to live if you must live in a big US city. It was winter though and god it gets cold. Great game on TV but crap at the game.
  20. Nothing in your life at 8 am on Sunday either dc?
  21. Hi guys ending 2012 on a high note. Since I was 5 years old I have wanted my own milk shake machine. The ones with the metal canister etc. Well I got one for Christmas. Sipping on one right now, no prizes for guessing the flavour! One hell of a wait but they say good things come to those who wait. So on that basis I am expecting a much improved performance from the Dees in 2013.
  22. Take a deep breath BD 2012 is almost finished next year must be better, I am confident that by the 28th December 2013 we will all be in a better mood.
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