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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. They may have sent their reply last week bb Today is the deadline but that does not mean the reply is going in today!
  2. But what the hell has happened to the banana crops through all of this Redleg? Last time we went through months of hell
  3. Excellent Dr Keep up the good work
  4. In Brisbane working today dc But it does look like it. Calm before the storm?
  5. And going strong Jnr Glad to see you read the strength of Demonland
  6. Treating you with the contempt your comment deserves!
  7. You have to adapt Redleg my hankie is only for spills etc. Best piece of emergency equipment know to man. Nose is a tissue job
  8. A handkerchief usually fixes the problem Redleg. Never leave home without one!
  9. Spot on H-T A refuge from the crap of the every day dees world
  10. Plus the Wrath of Khan shall decend on you
  11. Rule 19(A5) does not exist and on that basis I am charging you with " bringing the thread into disrepute"You have till Jan 31st 2013 to respond.
  12. Anything but you know who!
  13. You are treading a fine line wyl. Carefull it is getting crowded in the Naughty corner
  14. Into the same corner as redleg WJ You of all people should no the rules and no bananas for either of you till Friday
  15. Go to the naughty corner for even hinting on this thread.
  16. I want to be Vlad the impaler but I will need to put on about 30kg so can we have reasonable notice please.
  17. Very good dc Glad to see early 2013 has you in good form.
  18. You would think WJ that after all my years on this planet I would be used to the "human condition" but alas some days I succumb.Fortunately on most occasions I throw it off when something positive happens. Thank god for this thread!
  19. Interesting problem bad bottles of beer. I have felt poorly quite a few times in my life and I am sure it was the last stubbie that was off!
  20. But you can on bananas and grog dc!
  21. I have just read four threads. What a depressing lot. We are truly at each others throats at present. With the exception of this wonderful thread I think I need to find somewhere else to amuse myself over the next few weeks. Because Demonland is depressing the crap out of me.
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