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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I was not suggesting it was Redleg. Just observation on the planning of some people
  2. Why would anyone plan a wedding outside in February? It is a monty to be as hot as hell. Didn't anyone say "good chance it will be 35 - 40 degrees that day" Take your own ice redleg and by that I mean the frozen water variety
  3. Me neither Redleg any admission less than no case to answer is an admission of guilty. However I think it is going to happen. IMO they have been negotating a result for the last week. AFL Board meeting on Monday, GM takes the agreement to the board for approval and it is announced on Tuesday.
  4. I will stick with Cavendish, other come and go but cavendish remains. By the way HC welcome to the thread
  5. Who the peds? Sounds like you are on the set of Dr Who dc
  6. All except the Blazer H_T
  7. It was a banner saying you should never eat Bananas dc. But now seems to have vanished. What next "we are tankers?" I think the inmates are taking over the asylum
  8. Who put up that scurrilous banner up. They should drummed off the site
  9. No that is the other mob!!! dc But they are virgins as well
  10. I am so over this tanking crap can we please have a decision from the AFL one way or the other this week. It is draining me. Drugs, who might be involved, which club, media salivating for the next quarter correct story. If it was not for a 53 year love affair I would pack my tent and drop out. I am truely over the second decade of the 21st century and it is only 13th February 2013. Thank God for Grand Children She is the one shinning light. PS with a little more thought Single malt and Bananas aint bad either
  11. My experience is that unless there are more than one person standing for a position then nothing much happens. I say that from not just attending MFC events. When you have two people trying to get the same spot things hot up and information and dirty linen is aired. Other wise they are fairly controlled events. Lets face it MFC members are probably the most conservative going around. I also think that after 48 years of mainly poor results we have a beaten dog mentality. A pat on the head and a request for unity be it understated or not and we trot off into the night hopeful but probably resigned to our fate. Well that is how I often feel. Strangely perhaps I enjoyed last night.
  12. Did they seemed overall worried about the inquisition redleg?
  13. Some one told me single malt is not good for you Redleg. Now I know that is absolute rubbish. So who knows who the nutter is who put out this malicious piece of misinformation Eat on to your hearts content.
  14. Rather talk to you here longsuffering Tweeting is BS in my view. Probably too old to get it. Life has taught me that occasionalyl things don't suit you. Most of the 21st century suits me fine. I have already moved on. Why is it that ever year February is the best time of the year for tragic's I live in hope that one year September will be the best time of the year. 2014 perhaps
  15. I think I am a couple of generations in front Biff GD minding duties tonight. She is fast asleep and I hope she stays that way. Only 2 and is a sweetheart You know that old joke................ If I had known how good grand children were I would have had them first boom boom
  16. Your right about that.By the way Biff you are almost as sad as me don't you have anything better to do on a Friday evening in February?
  17. You may have hit on the problem Bbo
  18. Thanks RB I have done that re the MFC and a couple of players . However so far drivel Or am I just too critical
  19. Mrs OD is a big fan Has a number of nieces who live around the globe. Works well for her. But nah not for me dc
  20. I have been considering that option for the last few days Redleg. In the absence of an wise guiding information from Demonlanders I am about to fall into the inactive group. You live and learn I guess
  21. You have me this time dc FB?
  22. I am not that ancient dc I seriously doubt I will be RD ing or sexting Then again does single malt fall into the recreational drugs group?
  23. Good Evening demonlanders. I joined twitter a few days back. Why because the number of people talking about it and using it intrigued me. So far I am totally under whelmed. Truly struggling to see the value. What piece of magic am I missing? My do you people out there use it?
  24. It may seem strange but I realised that was your opinion a ways back rpfc Yes I do feel better that someone at least acknowledes the possibility.
  25. Yep me But every time I raise it I get criticized for being alarmist or pessimistic. The guy has had two knee recos and now a long term Hamstring in 3 years. Has not played for 18 months. I have serious doubts his legs are up to the rigours of AFL. But hell he is fine!
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