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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I seriously hope that is not the reason they are playing OMac.
  2. Not so sure now, Brayshaw might be facing a limited future in the game.
  3. Yes Dr it beggars belief but so does taking Ice and Heroin but a large number in the community do. I cannot understand why you would put something in your body that has not quality control on its manufacture let alone the other problems.
  4. And he may do that bb. GCS are not as bad as this years results suggest they have a long injury list.
  5. You had me up to the last last sentence TK. Then I got a big chill. I have heard that a few times before, please tell me it is different this time?
  6. Ok perhaps I should have engaged my brain before moving my fingers.
  7. The problem as I see it Dante is that players like T Mac believe their value is above what the club thinks right now. They are keen ( egged on by their managers ) to get the max. right now. If they improve that will mean a bigger pay next contract. It is all about right now. I also expect there is a club out there offering better right now. T Mac knows he can get more. It is now a game of brinkmanship.
  8. I understand your point TK however I don't understand your graph. Is it meant to show we have a young side? If so good but don't we all know that?
  9. I understand that, I think they are good enough.
  10. jnr you keep on about the money. I raised it because rjay was saying he came to us when no one else would. I raised it because it was the chief reason he came. The dogs were after to him but we paid over the odds to get him. lets not paint him as some kind of saint who came to the MFC to help us out. The help he provided is the result of joining us. I have never said he does not try his best. My opinion is simple he is a average player who will contribute little for the remainder of his contract.
  11. Yes I think both our opinions are pretty much set in concrete.
  12. I had no idea you were that old RB.
  13. I think we all have to get used to two things about AFL in 2016. - A large percentage of good players will search out the best offer and if that means going to the brink so be it. - Right now there is a discussion under way about the new players agreement and how much money they will get in total and until that is resolved don't expect players like T Mac to sign early.
  14. Now you are sounding desperate jr. He consistently drops sitters.
  15. Last time I looked we were struggling to stay on the right sight of the legal bb. WE NEED THE MONEY!
  16. I have been on about him for three years rjay. yes we got him when no one else would come. but let's not forget we out bid the Dogs and paid over the odds. He has been an average player when he has been on the field. He has played less than 30% of the available games since joining. Value for money? Terrible. The guy is a forward who cannot mark over head and a pinch hit ruckman who does want to pinch hit. Buggered if I can see his worth.
  17. I agree jnr whatever way I look at it Kent has been poor for three weeks and last Saturday was a continuance of that trend. Add no tackles and those statts look even worse. In 2016 a forward is meant to have a defensive side.
  18. He has had more than one in the current series BM. A visit to Casey to get his confidence back is in order IMO. I also don't believe we can have two midgets in an AFL team these days. So in my view it is him or Kennedy.
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