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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. A very good question. you have to understand back then most big time sport was amateur. Olympics, tennis and cricketers got very little. it was a very different world. some people want to maintain their "Pure Amateur" status. must seem very strange to you but that was the world was back half a century ago.
  2. It is going to very wet bb. you might be better off at the christening.
  3. You will not believe it Ernest but yes I had a couple of quiet libations last night. Actually finished the Laphroaig bottle. Sadly I am now in the same camp as you.It has become a little pricey.
  4. Sure is mono. Dream away mate it has keep most of us going this last decade.
  5. Let alone the opposition players. My father used to tell me when you get the opposition want to fight you then you know you are on the way to beating them.
  6. Don't agree with your "most" comment doc. But by today's standards they got very little. All players had day jobs you could not live off your football wages. Foot ball wages were a top to your lifestyle. The good players used to leave the VFL and Play in the Country and VFA because the wages were a lot higher for the better players.
  7. Some players chose to play for no money. They played as Amateurs. By the sixties they were few and far between but from my memory Doc Roet was one. I am confident he played as an amateur in the 64 premiership.
  8. I think so doc. Lots of things have change most for the better but not for the fortunes of the MFC. Still we can dream this is the start of the new dominance.
  9. Gee you are hard on him Ernest. What number is he I cannot seem to find him on the list.
  10. What amuses me more is how he left the MFC to play in the forward line. This one we can put down as a win by the FD.
  11. Am I correct that he played as an amateur? And yes you are!
  12. My God Doc you must be getting on. Not many would remember Dr. Roet.
  13. I think what you are missing Nasher is the Casey team is our reserves. That is the way I look at it. I can fortunately get to a few games and enjoy watching similar to many moons ago when they used to be the curtain raiser.
  14. Whatever you do billy do not say it is our GF! And I hope you are right
  15. When we are winning I don't find it a problem in fact I enjoy the sad defeated look of Pies supporters.
  16. Meant to mention this earlier. How good was it to go a match by old protagonists at the G on QB Monday and have both teams in their correct jumpers? On top of that ( where I was anyway )there were no fights, no Swearing in front of kids. You sit with the opposition supporters with good nature banter and just to top it off not a face mask or flare in sight.
  17. You mean we have biases Nasher? Surely not I know I don't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Well we have to beat them in Perth on July 23rd. Good luck with that Moneider96 with or without NN.
  19. We would need to play much better in the second half than the first adc. We have beaten one team in the top eight. The fixture is harder from here as we play a higher ratio of the better teams. We have improved substantially this year to IMO a mid ladder side 9 - 11. We are still a long way off beating the better sides keep in mind we have the youngest team going round at present. Young players tend to drop off as the year goes on.
  20. I am surprised that you think it is not fair. As long it is a draw devised by the AFL to suit the TV it will always be so. The AFL takes the maximum amount of money they can screw. The trade off is the TV gets what it wants. There is one fact that as MFC supporters we all know if you have a crap team you have a crap time.
  21. I find it hard to disagree BM. what if we won next week in Sydney? now that would be a WOW.
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