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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I agree with most of that poita however we will win 10 games. The seventh is next weekend in Darwin.
  2. If my life depended on it and the choice was that two I would pick Dunn first, second, third and fourth.
  3. VFL form seems to have little to do with Selection stuie. Dawes had average form and in he comes, Grimes has been in the top three for weeks and cannot get a game. Dawes has had one reasonable game and two very ordinary ones. Dawes is a poor player at this stage of the career and should not be playing IMO.
  4. He is a better player than five who played in the seniors today. For God sake play him in the seniors
  5. So am I the only one? At the start of the year I thought we would win 10 games, on the win list are 4 wins from 9 games. Usually at this time of the year we are finished and I am in acceptance mode. However this year wins are still possible and finishing 9th is not out of the equation. The tension is rising I have just enjoyed no tension the last two weeks.
  6. Is it just me? I have enjoyed the last two weeks. No MFC games so the last weekend was very enjoyable. Enjoyed watching a couple of games without the need to support the winner or loser. However I can feel some tension coming on as I type quite often I think life would be way better if I did not support any individual team.
  7. I like the story but if it is ok with you I won't hold my breath.
  8. Never let the truth get in the road of a good story ET. However I do think some managers intentionally plant stories for effect then deny them.
  9. That has been of small concern in the past bb why would they consider that now.
  10. One of the few places in the world that you can see the air you are breathing.
  11. With the exception of the loss to Essendrug we are exactly where I thought we would be at the break. I thought we would win 10 games this year and still believe we will. We have come from an VFL list at the end of 2013 and while we have improved substantially we are still a work in progress. We have the youngest list going around and there still a number of players that are not AFL standard. In 2016 I will take a list that can take it up to the teams in the bottom half of the ladder. In 2014 we could hardly beat the bottom couple.
  12. Garlett Abe? He has done nothing since being dropped and was poor the last month in the seniors. How does he get a game when Grimes has been playing well and been first emergency the last 6 weeks? I thought the idea was to reward good form.
  13. This is classic AFL " Talk big and do nothing" Gil if it is so terrible how come no sanction? The AFL are champions at Slogans and Publicity but sadly lacking when it comes to action.
  14. All you say may well be correct Ernest however this organisation is corrupt at the top and all through the country delegate system. We can be sure that athletes at Rio will be drug cheating. Due to these factors I made the decision to have nothing to do with it. Now I know this will achieve little but I in all good conscience I cannot support it in any way. I have no interest in the Olympics and probably never will. I have little interest in anything AFL with the exception of the MFC for some of the same reasons.
  15. I think that is the problem Nasher they are commentators. Journalists they ain't.
  16. He is an excellent example of the theory that most footballers are not rocket scientists.
  17. Spot on Perhaps you should send it to them especially BT. No waste of time their heads are too big to worry what the master broadcaster from Channel 9 thought.
  18. Yes bb I often wonder why they say " he has marked the ball uncontested" Yep fairly obvious when the player is clear of any other player by 20 metres. Also why do TV channels want to broadcast like they are radio? Guys you have vision we can see 90% of what you rabbiting on about. Here is an idea Shut up.
  19. I suggest it would be a hell of improvement on the current lot.
  20. Not sure you told us anything new in that last line bb. However any story about Pie supporters suffering is worth reading.
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