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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I think it is painfully obvious that the FD thinks that lot are for the high jump deanox we could easily see three of the four gone at seasons end.
  2. An extremely good question I have no idea.
  3. Exactly my point LDC he ain't Brent Harvey. If you are small you have to be very good to make it at AFL level.
  4. Spot on CB he is and he is too small for AFL.
  5. Jones will be gone in a couple of years and Vince has one year left at best. Who then to close the Gap?
  6. No I understand that bing and you can. there are some that are happy that we nearly won. there is a difference. But enough of splitting hairs and I think you missed my point about chewing gum. you said talking and chewing gum. And I acknowledged that I could not do. it is still a good effort.
  7. Pedersen they say was ordinary at Casey today so would think no change unless There are injuries. The ones I like at Casey are out of favour with the FD and the rest are no better than the ones who played yesterday.
  8. That is a neat trick bing . I can manage walking and chewing gum. You are too good for me obviously vey talented.
  9. Spot on mo64. The MFC were crowing how they took him early and beat all the people looking at second and third round selection. The MFC were only club that thought he was first rounder. Guess what the other 17 clubs got it right.
  10. I agree I would like to keep him but Peter Hudson he ain't.
  11. they still got the loss right Ricky hard to disagree with that.
  12. I did not start out to shut people down, football and supporters passion are complex items. When the passion goes then the team is doomed.
  13. Worked perfectly some would say it is not hard with me and sometimes it pays to take notice.
  14. I am confident that makes sense Saty just not to me at present.
  15. Now you are soundy as silly as me Wiseblood. It is just a matter of opinion hang in there I appreciate your view.
  16. Unfortunately his AFL performances dont prove that and he has a big problem at AFL level he is too small. If you are small you have to be very good at that level and very good he isn't. Oliver I would agree but he is in his first year he is going ok no need to [censored] him. wow cannot use F log
  17. I think the bombers did the second to us a few years back in a GF Mr. Leg. I think you are taking the conditions to the same silly length that you think I am taking it. Of course I expect things to be legal. Unless I am seriously mistaken I believe we lost the game yesterday because we did not kick the higgest score. No one belted us up or were on drugs ( well I guess who knows with WCE as they have form). Am I mistaken?
  18. Unfortunately four of those are VFL quality players, Two have been shown they will not figure in the senior team, which leaves Oliver and Bugg with the possibility of inclusion in the senior team in next few weeks.
  19. Mr Leg I thought I had said it a couple of time so here goes again. We did not deserve to win because we did not kick the highest score. The highest score wins.
  20. Yes you are wiseblood I just get annoyed that a lot of people seem happy that we only lost by a small margin again. Are we better than 2015 yes quite a lot but compared to the top two thirds of the competition we still have a long way to go. That is the last I will say about it until the next time we lose narrowly.
  21. Be ten times more [censored] than I am today.
  22. You make your own luck Saty so far we have not made anywhere enough.
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