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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. A wise state of mind LDC being a MFC supporter is no walk in the park it pays to keep ones sense of humour.
  2. Bugger! that will make it hard for him to get up speed. How does he avoid falling on his arse every time he kicks? I am surprised he has made it to this level.
  3. I really enjoy your thread every week Joe. However ignore those that disagree. I have always seen your comments as your thoughts, 90% of the time I agree. After all everything on Demonland is opinion. Please never stop.
  4. Now you are being silly. But why not it is Tuesday after a win!
  5. You have me off to good start Wiseblood. My smile will last till at least Midday.
  6. I have you cut off my supply!
  7. Sadly that does not seem to deter them Ernest. Drug taking has ruined my joy of watching sport.
  8. I sure sign of the down grading of the language hardtack. SMS has a lot to answer for oh sorry 4
  9. Spot on WJ. I get the feeling ( From Roos comments ) that a few players might get a rest this week after travelling to Darwin and Perth followed by a couple of six day breaks. That probably means no change.
  10. With injuries I would not be surprised to see 4-5 changes WJ
  11. The main problem was the PA system failed you could not hear the song and then when I realised that something was playing I thought they had the wrong tune playing. Leaving that aside the major feeling everyone around me had was relief! It certainly was strange
  12. Exactly Mandee. My daughter recorded on Foxtel. Already told her delete once was enough.
  13. That has never stopped the FD picking a player in the past rjay.
  14. I will admit I am biased about old iron hands Chook However you are correct.
  15. I agree Dr. It intrigues me that people seem to be cutting him no slack for the injury he had after hitting his knee on the post in the second quarter. He was clearly in pain from that point on. I was surprised when he appeared after the long break.
  16. I hate to destroy your experience Mr Shadow. But they were not!
  17. Well I played before much bigger crowds than you jnr. I clearly rememberer one day we had close to 50.
  18. Correct R and B it was almost illegiable , in fact I thought they were playing the wrong song to start. it was only after it was almost finished that I realised they were playing our song. Most Dees fans around me were standing in shock. The overwhelming emotion was relief that in contrast to a number games this year we had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
  19. I agree with you AF. If that was the plan we sure spent a lot of time fiddling about across the half forward line. It seemed like everyone want to go sideways. Seldom did we take the direct options.
  20. No it would not be George Jack is going to do it on a regular basis in the future. IMO he now believes he is good.
  21. Watts in total was one jnr. second was we Won. But you know that!
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