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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That pretty much covers it nutbean 100% agreement
  2. You are not alone in your thoughts chook I have the same feeling and I assume you mean Haul
  3. Sadly jack unless the docklands or Eddies grand MCG plan gets ups there are no alternatives. Have you been to the Albert ground? It is a postage stamp that is barely big enough for cricket, it is smaller than the old Glenferrie and there is no room for buildings around the ground. The current situation IMO is not stopping us playing finals of winning a GF. Win Games and you will not care where we train IMO it is that simple.
  4. WOW a big family there PD 5000 members should generate a discount. Oh sorry you mean five!
  5. Early this year he had played less than third of the games since he joined the MFC. So I would not say he has given the club good service. He has given his best and tried hard. But good service not the way I look at it.
  6. Their are few things in life that you can guarantee but this one I can. They would not be walking into a bar more is the pity.
  7. Because Richmond don't have to share and don't want to. Lets all get used to the idea that unless the "Docklands dream" gets up we will be in our current situation for the foreseeable future.
  8. If you could not get a regular game at Freo this year and you are 31 shortly it is all over.
  9. If we cannot land a forward over the next month and that looks difficult then although it grieves me to say it Dawes is probably better for 2017 than a fourth round or higher pick.
  10. From my experience it is a country without a sense of humour.
  11. Did the spell check get you Ernest? He re signed I believe.
  12. He could not fill the same need at the Tigers why would he at the MFC?
  13. Compare this to how theseThings were handled in a previous administration and it is like day and night. Ever day I get more impressed with the way our club is now being run.
  14. Could not agree more DD. The guy has been suffering a debilitating health problem. He is not a murderer. Good luck for the future Gary.
  15. Confidence is a wonderful thing Bbo. How many wins next year?
  16. And now the speculation begins doc. To be honest I don't care, I trust our this FD has come up with the right number for all concerned.
  17. Oh no My prediction was wrong. I am slipping that is the second time I have been wrong in the last 20 years. Must be the ageing process.
  18. I still think no movement till 2017 and then he will re sign.
  19. It would want to be very good players. I might take Kennedy and Darling though.
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