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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Just a nice place at the top of the range DF. Drive around the older part there some lovely old Queenslanders. They also have some nice gardens.
  2. Could not agree more with your comments WJ especially the last line.
  3. It is already over ten DC it looks like 15 or 20 not me.
  4. So be it Saty. He has been ordinary/ injured for most of his time at the MFC. I find it difficult to see a 30 year having a big resurgence after the last two years. He re minds me of Dawes. "It" ain't there any longer.
  5. I am surprised we are surprised. The AFL is the typical sporting body that pays lip service to all areas concerning integrity.
  6. Mid 2015 is now a season and a half ago and it will be nearly two years before the first game of 2017. Sadly he is over the hill IMO.
  7. I agree bb I have had it to. Sounds ordinary but taste good.
  8. We have too few of them left Ernest to give one away. Well I do anyway. However like you I think 2017 is the last for the Prince.
  9. Hi Ernest do you mean 2018 or as I think 2017?
  10. I have no idea what the playing group thinks of him. However I know a lot of Demons supporters and none of them have any time for him. Now we are not always the best at picking a players value however I see him in the same light as a number of other players at the MFC over the 2014/5 period. We were desperate for any reasonable ability player with experience. HL is almost the last of those players left. IMO he will be like Grimes was last year play well at Casey but unless there are a lot of injuries the FD have a number of others they would rather play for the medium to long term.
  11. Nice to see you up and about stuie nice to see you up and about defending the the Prince. i fear he will go the same route as old iron hands. time has passed him by. The twilight of his career I feel is going to be very dim.
  12. Why would he want to join that lot of second rates WJ? He is getting with the strength and preparing for high honours.
  13. Pity they are all but Lewis on our side of the fence Abe
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