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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Funny this year I have little interest in the draft. This must be how Hawthorn fans have felt for the last decade. If the results are similar I am in a good space.
  2. Yes but do they see it as a big deal? I think not. If they do see it as a big deal based on the new. Design they clearly have no taste.
  3. Have you ever considered that they don't see as a big deal?
  4. Yes Chris you are definitely in need of Professional help.
  5. Suspension coming up. Worst case of trying to derail a thread I have seen in some time
  6. I am not standing in your way dc. I am just pointing out the folly in the effort. King Canute comes to mind.
  7. Having said on numerous occasions I don't mind the white jumper this is certainly not their finest hour.
  8. This argument has been going on for years dc and the "Red Designers " are no closer that they were 10 years ago. The problem for the RD's is the MFC and the AFL settled this years ago and while the MFC are beholding to the MFC for finance nothing will change. Raise it after we have won three flags in a row and have 60 000 members. Until then it will not do a "Trump" or anything similar.
  9. I think New Balance have bigger problems than the MFC jumper design. See below they are now being used by Neo Nazis in the USA as there official shoe. http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/new-balance-works-to-put-out-fire-over-being-declared-uniform-for-neonazis/news-story/5e3ed49224ec0f01ef963e80ab7c1667
  10. I struggle with the problem that people don't understand that the EFC have the AFL in their pocket and we don't. This is IMO very simple. The EFC have ten time more supporters than us and twice as many members. They have power we have little.
  11. Yes Sir WYL. They are just like ever other large Sporting organisation. Government pressure keeps them involved and an excellent example of why there is an ever increasing need for ASADA and WADA.
  12. Amen to that LDC. I don't even need that much in 2017. Win 15 games in the 2017 H&A and I will be deliriously happy in any colour.
  13. Spot on and the answer is No. will we all return our memberships? No will we stop going to games? No Will we do anything that effects the MFC? No AFL you win.
  14. But the AFL say it has to be a white background. Get it?
  15. Absolutely nothing every be as bad of those. First point is it was created by a management that will go down as the worst in our 158 year history.
  16. but that rule does not apply to powerless clubs dc. You know we are not a love child so my do you persist ?
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