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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. His performances at the Pies were exactly the same as with us. I have a couple of pie supporter mates who tell me what we get is what we saw last year. On top of that IMO he is too short. When you are short you have to very good to compensate and he is average.
  2. Correct I always struggle with people complaining about travel to WA. The WA teams have to do it every other week. When the WA sides have good teams they win a lot irrespective of the travel and when they have not so good sides they lose. If we are good enough we will win. It is more all about the quality of the team not the travel IMO.
  3. DD my calendar says the Carlton game is at Casey Fields???
  4. Sounds accurate to me Mr. Leg but from the length of time this is taking it suggests to me there is a big gap between what HL wants and what the MFC is prepared to pay.
  5. If you end like HL I would be heading in the other direction at a rapid rate. Fortunately for Steve he has just the vehicle to accomplish it.
  6. I suspect there is more to go on this. How come it took Port officials 8 - 12 hours to get him to the cop shop? I smell another GWS cover up here but will the AFL investigate ? I suspect only if the media come up with some evidence.
  7. You are not alone poita however sadly the real world is a little more complex.
  8. Why is it that this club seems to be in free fall? If we put all the stories from 2016 about Port together it appears they have some substantial problems. The good times are well and truly over Kochie lets see how you fix your club.
  9. It would appear they were less than successful Steve.
  10. Sounds like very sane words DS. I guess the sticking point is the "percentage"
  11. 100% agreement bbo. Re the Hun a low news day I suggest. And No thank you
  12. I would think quite a few live in apartments. Just to be on the safe side I am staying away from apartments till February.
  13. Spot on iv'a. Their silence the new player agreement is also deafening.
  14. It is a familiar surge pre Christmas Mr. Leg. The industry is well aware of the spike.
  15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder CB. Every year there are new designs to get more sales you can put the house on basic red in the not distant future.
  16. Did we get Clark wrong? We will not be wrong with this guy.
  17. Are you sure the club is against a white jumper RBG?
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