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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Sadly WJ we have had a lid on things for a decade. Lets get the lid off it is well and truly over due.
  2. Spot on description bb. I have all the equipment right here but alas we are out of ice cream or I would make one right now. I must have consumed 1000 before I was sixteen.
  3. My memory of milkshakes is they always had a scoop of ice cream. A thick shake had 3-4 scoops.
  4. As I said early the best info comes from Demonland IMO it does not have the same level of political speak/ censorship as the MFC site.
  5. If you say something loud and often it begins to sound true to large numbers of the unwashed dc.
  6. I don't use the MFC site all that often. The occasional look for event dates and Player info. The best info is obtained on here.
  7. Spot on dee-tox unfortunately there are people who cannot see that the MFC cannot survive as a club centred only on the MCG. Hawthorn realised decades ago that they could not remain a " Hawthorn" only based team. Thank God we have the likes of PJ running the club.
  8. Agree bb but how many grounds outside of the MCG and house of death are good? I can think of 3-4.
  9. Except the RFC don't want to share and do not have to so where does that leaves your plan? Also the MFC are trying to establish a following in the Casey region it is a little hard to do that playing games at Richmond.
  10. I have been there a couple of times Wb and I did not think it was that bad. Perhaps I just got good days.
  11. Spot on both teams were on the same ground in the same conditions. One adapted and the other good soundly beaten.
  12. Mr leg our seconds team seemed to win quite well there in recent years. All the loss yesterdays says to me is that we were the poorer of the two sides. Both teams had to play in the same conditions. The lions were up to the job of winning and we were not. The simple fact is that yesterday the Lady dees were inferior to the lions.
  13. I have spent my whole life in sales. There are usually two main reasons a product does not sell. One is the price is too high and the second is that the product is poor. Of course it can be a combination of both. Perhaps we are simply asking for too much.
  14. Well after this afternoons game I don't see my interest increasing any time soon.
  15. A strike could easily be the end for me as far as AFL is concerned. I have been losing interest for two years and that might be the Coup de gras.
  16. Not sure why people go on about Saty's comments. He has his opinion and he passes on info that he gets. From that point on either enjoy the info or ignore it. I am glad he keeps contributing.
  17. Enjoy mate sadly I cannot raise the same enthusiasm. It might have something to do with the time of the year.
  18. I agree ET perhaps it will appeal to me over time. I cannot get into the Big Bash. I like cricket but the sides are made up with no history and no tribal back ground As well the players change each season. Perhaps i will get into Female footy at least there is a established team to support.
  19. Well whitito I dont think you are correct to say that the range is rubbish. IMO it is aimed at the group that buys 90% of branded merchandise. Now I am way outside that group age wise and I wont wear what I call boy racer designs. I am more into a bit of subtlety in the clothing I wear. But that does not mean the range is rubbish It is just that it does not appeal to me and you obviously.
  20. So I am not alone there is at least three of us Mr. Leg. You me and ET. I am glad you started this because we are going to be call sexist by the PC I hope you are ready.
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