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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Send PJ a letter dpositive.It works I have had positive action on things I have written about in the past. Eg. A new sponsor early this year.
  2. I have friends who live in Sudbury which is about 3 hours drive north of Toronto while not among the coldest parts of Canada they do have -30C in winter. Suggest you follow dc advice. Go in Summer
  3. Don't visit that part of Canada
  4. Saturday morning my Grand daughter and I had pancakes, banana and maple syrup. Very nice I can say. Her Footy team selection is still to come but I think she has joioned the great Banana appreciation club.
  5. Tend to agree with you R and B In 1983 I spent February - March in the American North East a large part of it in Chicago. Now that is a winter. You know it is cold when first thing in the morning your tyres are frozen to road and it take 5 minutes driving for the flat spots to disappear.
  6. I rarely watch anything live so many adverts destroys the program. PVR my favourites and then watch them without ads in 66% of the time.
  7. DF From WJ's comments on the Bombers thread it was on TV last night. Got into the Web site and nothing there.
  8. must be on the subscriber site DF.Not in todays Hun or free site.
  9. Well he sure as hell ain't a journalist dc
  10. his mate over at the Age is not much better.
  11. Like wise BF we are both too old. And who says the ageing process has nothing to recommend it!
  12. Small company I am the administrator of my lap top so I seriously doubt that is the problem.But on reflection that might be the exact problem. Only started yesterday after an update. But to hell with windows 8 I can work around the problem.
  13. Thank God my marble did not come out.The only lottery I was happy to lose. You may have been talking to my ghost otherwise. In 1968 I still thought the next flag was only a few years away.
  14. Wise man this is a work provided lap top R and B So I got no say.Nothing but trouble since day one both hard ware and soft ware. Loath to add any programs to it due to problems in the past, it is staying stock standard. Have tried all your suggestion to no avail. I only use the lap top occasionally to visit Demonland, mostly use my Desk top ( windows 7 ) and iPad No big deal really I have the above alternatives
  15. We might have the same friend dc.Fortunately got on the patches and now off for four years
  16. I just updated this laptop to windows 8.1 yesterday and now it will not let quote to anyone's comment. Any idea how to fix this problem?
  17. It was only last year! It is 1965 right?
  18. I saw him at training a few weeks back and got a similar opinion Redleg.
  19. who are you and what are you talking about?
  20. Not sure why but I am finding it hard to attached comments to the original at present. However R and B I think his comments sound fairly accurate. I am all for keeping JF but not at any price. I have confidence in this management team to make the right decision. I would prefer he stays but we now live in the brave new world of free agency so it is more than likely he will go. If he does I bear him no ill will he has IMO given his best to the MFC during a very poor period in our history.
  21. I think you know I am being very light heart on this subject. I don't want to play in anything but the traditional Red and Blue ( ie Red not Maroon, Pink or Orange ) I guess I am getting worn down but I actually don't mind the current away jumper.
  22. I did not see it but heard similiar. Can you expand Mr. Leg Sir?
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