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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It was a closed session today you were not allowed to go!!!!!!!!!
  2. Ben Ken my god we are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Spoilt my evening just the thought of it
  3. I reckon it is going to take more than 2017 to turn them around. The min. is sixth place for those so disaffected to get back on in 2018.
  4. Ok my spread is 40.5 - 42.0 a reasonable spread as you say.
  5. Come on admit it 2500 is an ambient claim
  6. They are so battered they have probably passed on swyl or are you suggesting they will join from beyond the grave?
  7. what is 1500 members between friends
  8. Sorry binman "a gram of luck" my problem started when I switched from imperial to metric. an ounce of luck works
  9. But they are all Sheilas fndee. He says waiting for the PC police to arrive.
  10. You are retreating dc 45K was going to be easy a few posts back. I hope you are right by the way because I am not going to make it much longer.
  11. Surely not that organisation who had the highest paid GM in the western world dc
  12. There is a substantial difference between having confidence in our team and then expecting to pull members out of fresh air dc. We may have the highest participation rate in the competition but we have one of the lowest support bases.
  13. That could be the case but it also may be true that a number of them have done it earlier this year. To get to 45k is a big ask for a small club that has seldom got beyond 35k since day one.
  14. I never said I went to all games sue. I get to about 8-9 a year in Melbourne. With an gram of luck I will get to about ten this year.
  15. I used to pray the game would go past quarter time.
  16. Win six and draw one will get close LDC However how about win seven of the eight?
  17. There would need to be a large number of churn Dr. We have different opinions on what that number is.
  18. Perhaps I am not as fanatical as some or have the opportunity to attend where others do not. I go to games or I watch on FTA if those are are not available to me I read reports and look forward to the next game I can see. It seems to me if I get more desperate to see the team in action I will pay for one of the services. Nothing is for free guys.
  19. Hope you are right dc but we are approaching what I consider the limit so I will be surprised if it increases massively. We are getting close to the limit of fallen out members. IMO above 40K will only come with converts to the Dees, we need to win 80% of the first eight matches to get much above 40K.
  20. JHK in particular as he is injured and cannot press his case.
  21. Are you sure Dante? He may to see what not to do.
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