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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. sorry about that DF You can enjoy mine by proxy!
  2. How on earth could a tread about a pack of cheating low life's get even close to this wonderful thread. That other thread should be closed until there is something to discuss. Disgraceful is the only word that comes to mind.
  3. I hope I live that long dc but I truly doubt it.
  4. Early 6AM start today with GD minding duties. We had a good day, at 2 PM when her mother got home she said to her "mum what do kids do who don't have a PA? Her mother started a long explanation to be interrupted with " NO, who watches you tube with them"? Are there truly anything better than Grand Children?
  5. If I had better control I would treat your comment with the utter contempt it deserves but seeing as how I have none.Bull SH IT !
  6. See what happens when you challenge the Official Countdown officer I am surprised you have not been smitten
  7. Now that is better Redleg. Enjoy.
  8. Just finished a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a good coffee. Does life get any better than that? Yep the dees could win a few more in 2015 perhaps
  9. Now you have started something bb Can you go the distance?
  10. I am over joyed for you Redleg Sadly perhaps I have only modest interest. A decade of failure with high draft picks has dulled my enthusiasm
  11. You would have to be the most loose with the truth person on DLI am not a day over 90
  12. Looks the happy hour is in full swing again this evening.
  13. I know the feeling well dc
  14. Shown as follows "10. Tuesday single figures." Should IMO be 10. Tuesday single figures. Make sense?
  15. He is referring to tomorrow Tuesday bb
  16. I think it is something that blows in under a door DF
  17. I am very ambivalent about the draft this year Redleg. After years of our top picks being ordinary at best I really don't have much interest in who we actually pick. The later picks interest me more. The picks 2 and 3 I will be interest me around June 2015 when we see if they are showing anything at Casey.
  18. That covers it perfectly for me BboYou have to be "yin" to appreciate "it" I have watched on two occasions for a total of approx. 20 minutes. Lost those 1200 heart beats for zero reward. PS oh how I wish I could type well!
  19. Sadly I do remember it and yes Reg was one of the stars Bbo
  20. DF I am seriously worried about your selection of photos in recent time and the hot weather has not hit yet!
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