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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Both won against good teams Mr Leg. if you are good you win it is that simple blaming Darwin is just an excuse by those who do not want to sell a game.
  2. I am hoping for a tough encounter with numerous injuries / reports and a 1 point win to Sydney.
  3. On that basis I should be firing on all cyclinders tomorrow morning.
  4. Mended the family fracture Bbo so I have few Pinot as well. Not at my best thought have been suffering a heavy cold all week.
  5. Hang in there JN c there are another five great games to come.
  6. I can guarantee you it is not the shinboners drinking it chook.
  7. Have you noticed a distinct lack of lids around Demonland tonight Bbo.
  8. It s hard to believe we are into the last part of July and firmly in the finals race. There have been so many black years I cannot remember the last time I felt this confident.
  9. I know one thing for certain! The single malt has never tasted better in spite of a heavy cold. Go Dees.
  10. It is so far to travel and the weather will have an impact not to mention the effect it will have the following week.
  11. Sane position sue. I am really enjoying this win on a number of levels.
  12. I am basking in both Wiseblood. winning an important game against a good side and slaying the Darwin dragon.
  13. Sue every since we started going to Darwin people have been using our losses the following week to justify their position of not want to sell home games. The major reason we lost was we were not good enough. We are now good enough and today we won.
  14. Yes he is beginning to make his father look ordinary DWA
  15. The simple facts are these when we had crap sides we lost because they were crap. We now have a good side and guess what the won against a good side who did not play in Darwin last week.
  16. Through work and pleasure I suggest I have been more than you SWYL I know Darwin well.
  17. That maybe the silliest thing you say today . port fought back, they are far from a poor side. Blaming The Darwin trip is rubbish always has been. Good sides win and poor ones don't.
  18. So I guess the anti Darwin brigade will be conspicuous by the absence tonight. Go Dees!
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