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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I understand that, I think they are good enough.
  2. They cannot get a game stuie.
  3. I am surprised they were above water Dr. However to the rest YES!
  4. I think a little analysis might be in order iv'a.
  5. Oh I am confident that there are PC idiots out there who will say otherwise dc.
  6. You have my vote.
  7. I agree with a large part of the above Ernest. I would add that the only AFL I watch are the games involving the MFC I seldom watch another team. If something serious were to happen to the MFC like you I would walk away. Big time international Sport does very little for me in the second decade of the 22nd century.
  8. If we needed any proof that the Olympics are rotten to the core we have it today. Russia that paragon of Fair play has nominated Sharapova in their tennis team even though she is still suspend for drug cheating. they have more front than Myer and a hide thicker than a Rhino. And the Olympic organisation expects us to admire them. If she is not immediately reject by the IOC then we all know beyond doubt what they are. The most surprising thing is that they still surprise me!
  9. Is that a green, blue or white one dc?
  10. Been looking into the tea leaves again Fifty-5?
  11. It suddenly occured to me that the MFC must be having a very good season. The subject of jumper colours has not been raised for weeks !
  12. If this was the Hawks playing the Pies on Friday evening things would be done. It was the dees versus the Lions on sunday arvo on Foxtel. The AFL attitude is no one will notice or care. Next subject.
  13. But Gil lowered the price of pies. How many things do you expect him to get on top of Dr? You are very demanding.
  14. I think all MFC supporters know the feeling well dd.
  15. No batteries for your sarcasm meter this morning steve?
  16. Honestly the guys is an average player. I mean four points from four shots. First player up for trade at the end of the year!!
  17. Yes dc I am sure they could bribe their way to the top of bid board
  18. Since then Ernest we have discovered that the Ruskies were cheating on a grand scale. Even sanctioned by their government. How does that make you feel after all the money you contributed?
  19. Thanks dpostive. I have been in mortal fear that courtesy was dead I now know there are still a few of us left in the world.
  20. Exactly bb rotten to the core.
  21. I just read the article in todays HUN about re testing of the last two Olympics. It has confirmed my opinion of Most big time international sports. It seems that testing is now better and they can find things that were undetectable or in the case of the Russians rotten to the top. The Olympics are coming up and whatever level you look at them corruption pores from ever orifice. Drug cheating and corruption at country and International level. We should simply not turn on this farce on our TV's that is IMO the only impact we can have. However that will not happen so They are lost to me.
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