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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I love watching Howe and just posted about him on another thread but ....best ever? I reckon Wayne Carey would have something to say about that.
  2. Just home. Plenty of booze and a win on the punt. Otherwise my highlights were- Howe's marking Tom McDonald (what a player he will be) Tapscott's muscle and finally, the silken skills of Jake Spencer.
  3. We certainly are "a different club to last year" - we are even worse.
  4. I also agree entirely. We have no consistent goalkickers so winning is difficult. However, for me, in anyway accepting defeat is anathema.
  5. We have had a bucketload of high draft picks over the last few years. Where is the "huge difference"?
  6. So in your "professional" capacity, do you coach teams to win, or do you take the badminton approach and deliberately knock a few into the net to gain some supposed advantage?
  7. I can't believe that we should, in anyway or for any purpose, accept defeat. We have been down that track before. It maybe that a win over the expansion clubs doesn't count for much but it's a hell of a lot better than a loss. Strong clubs play their guts out to win every time, regardless of who is on the paddock. We must build a culture of strength. Talking defeat, thinking defeat, not caring about defeat just enhances the poor culture we have. We as members must demand and expect 100%.
  8. I 've got $100.00 on the Dees tomorrow - so don't you guys even raise the prospect, woody or not, of a loss!
  9. Thanks Ben H , I just read this thread after a shitty day. It is intelligent and thoughful and has actually breathed new life into what was the corpse of my optimistic half.
  10. Take a worst case but not implausible situation. IE. The AFL decides to punish MFC in the same sort of way that Storm was punished by the NRL. We are stripped of draft picks. Where does that leave the coach of a team that is already p*** poor?
  11. You're on the money RR. It was clearly a set up. Why else would you bother to interview a basic nonentity such McLean? The question is who is pulling the strings and why? If any enquiry finds MFC guilty then it could have disastrous ramifications.
  12. Just when you think we might have reached the bottom of the shitwell down we go again and take another big swallow!
  13. If he found himself "on the receiving end of the ball" kicked by a Melbourne player then he was bloody lucky!
  14. It's not fallacious at all. Jones has been our most consistent contributor all year.Good teams can lose good players and still be good teams (see Collingwood and Hawthorn) because they have depth. More importanly they have a structure and set up that means jobs can be done by different players. We have neither depth nor structure so if a key player like Jones is out - we are in even deeper shite.
  15. I watched Hawthorn wipe out Essendumb last night. They were quick, structured and SKILLFULL and missing their gun player. Compare them to us and ask yourself how far in both years and cattle we are from them. Posters above mention starting to dream about next year. I reckon we should be dreaming about next decade. My Bitter half is fully ascendent and I can see no reason to change.
  16. I'm catching a flight to Darwin in about an hourand a half. It would really p..s me off to go up there and see a loss. However, and all you lads can drool, I've have, through a friend of a friend a corporate pass to the game and entry to the friday night cocktail party. Suffer in your jocks!
  17. Anyone reckon those heroes would have tried it on Nathan?
  18. Yeah yeah i'm happy for KH but the real joy for me is that Richmond lost and most likely screwed their final chances.
  19. Today's performance gives me some hope. We were undermanned, suffered injuries and played a reasonable side with a superstar forward. I thought we actually looked like an AFL side today. Sure the skill errors were still there but our tackling and desire for a contest were great.
  20. Quite correct OD. Once again the sniff or innuendo of Watts having particular failings is raised simply because he is declared unfit. It is no wonder his ankles give up with the weight of BS he is constantly burdended with.
  21. You've just put the Mozz on the kid by comparing him to Juice. I have no doubt he will play one game and fade into obscurity!
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