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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. The genie is out of the bottle so Dumbetriou et al will have to do something. I'm hoping for a slap with a wet lettuce leaf- for being slipshod or incautious and then the AFL will re write and tighten up the rule for this thing called tankiing.
  2. Do you have to be fat and old to be sleazy?
  3. Save your breath Neeter. Stuie doesn't get it !
  4. I not going to dignify that with an answer because you're the bloke who started the malicious rumour that Biffen and I shared a room at Hepburn. Further, if say anymore, Stuie will sulk about hijacked threads. I am reforming.
  5. Er .. well ... yes there are a large variety of herbs and one could make a mistake.
  6. Touched that you missed me Sloon. I overdosed on fair trade herbal tea at Biffen's expense and had a touch of the vapours. Then , when I came to, I read a couple of Stuie's recent comments and required medical attention to revive me. They medics called it a boredom induced trans ischaemic attack.
  7. Just a quick question or two ( forgive me Stuie it's not about the footy that's not happening) before I disassociate myself from your sinful ways. While gutter crawling, did you ever come across anyone as good looking and intelligent as BH? If so, how much did you pay?
  8. AND. BTW I believe it is Biffen and his brothel creeping ways that have been the cause of all this dissention on an otherwise happy Demonland. I will undertake pennance and formerly disassociate myself his evil ways.
  9. Thanks for enlightening me on climate change BH. BTW are there any subjects on which you arte not an expert?
  10. Well apparently not "all" are sick of it as there has been about 50 non footy comments since your post. As I intimated , there is not a lot of footy happening at the moment - FFS lighten up.
  11. Stuie, get over it. This is december- no football. This is the time to talk BS and have a bit of fun. BH I like your training reports but don't talk to me about boring. You are what used to be called a sanctimonius prig. Your head is so far up- southern parts or your anatomy that actually take yourself seriously - give me a break.
  12. Catching butterflies is so passe. My class prefers blasting away at endangered species with the 12 gauge.
  13. BTW Jumpin - I meant to say Rip Van Winkle. When you spend as much time in fairyland as I do , it's easy to get confused.
  14. You should change your name to Rumplstiltskin. Where have you been? Anything remotely to do with players and booze would get an airing on, about, pages 1 to 3 and half the sports section. Go back to your "snooze".
  15. There was an old joke about the nun doing pushups in the parsnip patch. Just reminds me .............
  16. In my experience it leads to infidelity
  17. The lads were probably a tad indiscreet in choosing bay 13 but we are not running a nunnery here. No harm done.
  18. Yes. Yes. I suppose we're all real men here. Yet I still have my doubts about some of you fair trade, non additive, inner suburban, skinny milk latte sippers Thanks for the history lesson Biffo. I guess that's why those suffragettes looked so sexy.
  19. I'm surprised you suburban "metro" types have even heard of a Furphy. I guess it was your lesbian associates told you about them.
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