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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. That's the one. I remember pouring quite a bit into a young lady (I was quite sophisticated even then) and she chucked in my Kingswood. Just natural evolution DC.
  2. Ah yes. I worked as a pot smoking barman. A couple of other delights were Advocaat and a red fizzy thing called something duck.
  3. And don't forget when Spewmante became fashionable.
  4. You're underselling him Poonie. He has enough size to compete and at least spoil the big guys. He's athletic so is useful when the ball is on the ground. Finally I like the idea of him not having to turn and dispose but rather kick the way he is facing.
  5. Often, after playing cricket on very hot days, some blokes had the habit of having a shandy or two first. They reckoned a full beer was too bitter when you were really thirsty.
  6. You are correct Biffen. I thought I was a certainty for a gong this year. What the eff more can I do??
  7. And! What's more you have insulted a fellow poster, who has risked life and limb , protecting his neighbour's wife and wine collection against the threat of fire. You should be ashamed.
  8. You have magnificently demonstrated just how boorish you are Shandi. I am trying to be an example of what is expected on this site. I am sure WJ will admonish you for your crass posting.
  9. Can we make Fitzy a key defender?
  10. Inspirational stuff Biffen. Understand the subtle metaphors that evolve from your substance abuse. The lads teared up when reading this.
  11. Yes! Before posting OD, I read of your attendance , and that of your daughter, I respectfully appreciate our difference and hope you enjoy the night.
  12. You're just too bloody decent OD.
  13. " The Boss" ( so called) - older than me. Former radical now just another (establishment) aging star swallowing what dollars he can! Eff him!
  14. You are a man of taste and sensibility RL.
  15. Moonie aka "The Shandiman" - I love it.
  16. Something I can relate to adc. I watched Rhodan at Waverley one day (he was in the twos). He was just about putting them in the centre via drop kick.
  17. You can longer actually see the tiles at the Gat. Although Biffen gives those in his penthouse a scrape from time to time.
  18. You step on stuff like that in the Gat - but it certainly isn't banana!
  19. I haven't read this thread for weeks, so I don't know if this has been commented on on. But ! You gotta feel sorry for that poor bastard Saad who drank lolly water on thursday or something when he was only allowed to drink it every other day. A bit like Catholics eating meat on friday.
  20. Now fair go Cole. I' m prepared to be critical of Biffen when deserved but you have to understand that he is a man of many business interests and concomitant responsibilies. He is a man who supports the the poor and disadvantaged. He provides jobs and opportunity. Don't be too quick to judge others.
  21. How about a sub forum for you and your friends Moon? .................... Oh! ... hang on you haven't....... well let's forget that idea.
  22. Illogical comment comment Moon. If he gives everyone the [censored] ( which he does) then we need the six toilets.
  23. Christ Biff don't make those statements. Talk of stables could toss a few local Christains over the edge!
  24. Surely Moon you can see why WJ despairs over posters on this site. This particular thread is for love and discussion not animosity. Yet you choose to be selfish and thoughtless - you probably hate bananas. Lift your game Moon - let OD se that there is still love in the world- let flo g see that we care about his loss.
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