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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Sad fact is OD , and you know it - and preached it - we are well and truly [censored] !!!
  2. I hope all the Demonlanders (and moderators) that criticised me for derailling threads and posting irrelevant garbage now realise the error of their ways. I was well in front of the game, at the cutting edge - I understood that to follow the Dees meant not talking football. Or ............ even better not knowing anything about football.
  3. I would see you as more of a contraceptive Fl ogger! How long can we maintain this streak ?
  4. Hope that includes providing the training .... er supplements.
  5. Have we got 22 desparate contested ball players?
  6. We are already back to the shuffling deckchairs situation of the last few years. We just haven't got the options for many changes. McKenzie however, should be a definite in. At the worst he'll do some serious negating in the midfield.
  7. 1 . Sad but true!!! 2. When I have to do "team stuff" at staff meetings I say "That's fine let's discuss it, but this is the outcome".
  8. You are doing it again you boggle eyed little green snotball Mr [censored] Frog. You are rebuffing my pleasantries. Too much time in the virtual world. You are forgetting social niceties.
  9. I was never one for that shared leadership stuff. In fact the whole concept of "team" baffles me at times.
  10. I am presuming that I have been named Captain.
  11. Thanks RTG. I never read the original play ( although some Of DW's work comes readily to mind)I but I vaguely remember watching a TV version (back in the late 70's).
  12. Come on RTG. You're in education so should know how to deal with such issues. You beat your children black and blue if they do not show proper support for the red and blue.
  13. Yeah - I'm not sure I can bring myself to front this weekend. Their supporters really shite me - they are worse than the filth toothless and the spitters from Essendrug. Even though they got flogged, I really cannot see us getting near them.
  14. Prepare yourself for many years of pain young man! If you need analgesics, PM Biffen.
  15. [censored] weak shot Chook. How well do you reckon most blokes would go after Cox or Mummy smashed into you in a contest? Spencer has a long way to go - no doubt - but he doesn't deserve the rubbish he receives.
  16. BTW, Liked your post but I'm not so confidant about the Carlton game.
  17. I'm just about over the [censored] Spencer gets on this site. The guy is about 25, has overcome knee recos and I reckon played about 30 games. He is still on his L plates. Of course the big guns like Cox and Mummy will do him. But just watch him, he attacks the contest one out. He works hard, tackles and is aggressive. He doesn't throw in the towel. Just try getting smashed by those big blokes and having to front up contest after contest. FMD there are some armchair heroes on this site.
  18. Come on RTG, you have to be an example to our players. You must commit - throw in the masking tape as well.
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