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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Not sure about vicars but I have a wonderful brown monk's outfit (excellent hood) and the springy rope around the waist had a variety of applications. Used to wear it when I took the lads to the old "Hellfire Club". The actresses weren't bad either.
  2. That's the spirit! We'll be there when the whips are cracking!!!!
  3. Nah!! Fitzy's going to provide the hard tag on Gazza.
  4. Or, if we are really bored (and sadly pathetic) ..... read and post on Demonland
  5. I'll be the flagellator The lads will be a very noisy and excited audience.
  6. OK Dee-vina you have tantalized me for too long. It must be Demonflogg. ( Forgive my spelling but I had to make it fit. Please please say I'm correct!
  7. Suggesting that your mum "take a shot" is a bit vulgar!
  8. PS. Fl og Please do not post an inane picture.
  9. Well I'm enjoying a wonderful night - "the lads" and myself . Just used my better halves (halfs?) credit card to order $300.00 worth of decent red. Am about to enjoy lasagne and salad - the lads mostly have salad and will sit down to watch series three of "The Samurai". One complaint! Could someone tell me who invented these multi pack DVD holders. I want to shove a boxed set up his/her ..... (place where the sun don't shine). What is the secret technique for actually releasing a disc? I am I the only buffoon who has this problem?
  10. I think I'll retire on that note. You are a cruel man Biff to remind me of that unfortunate experience in my life. Despite mega doses of antibiotics, the infection still persists. The "lads" have branded you "persona non grata" in Romsey. The triple billing is explained by the numerous medical specialists I have consulted.
  11. No you're wrong DC! Jazza is our resident expert on that particular part of the anatomy. After all he fondles 1800 teats per day. Even your herculean efforts with the blue rinsers wouldn't approach that.
  12. stuiestuie
  13. I do not wish to appear patronizing and I do try to understand how one from an unfortunate background - like yourself , does not understand a more sophisticated lifestyle of Alpacas fine wine and friendly neighbours. The Gat has been tough for you but it has made you the man you are - one favouring quick gratification of the flesh. We of the better bred classes, however, savour our pleasures, and are prepared to invite suitable candidates to join our privileged society. Hence my mystification at the lack of response from SNR...
  14. No you're incorrect Biff. I realize now that the poor girl is overcome from attracting the attention of a sophisticate like myself. She needs time to compose herself.
  15. Biffen wouldn't have written that! He has exploited virgins and lesbians along with everything else exploitable
  16. Excellent parenting Nutter! And obviously you did well in getting rid of a partner who had Carlton affiliations. Great work all round.
  17. Where are you SNR 92? Don't be shy. Uncle Bitter is still here
  18. That would suggest a deviant streak in your character Nutter
  19. I had the pleasure of having a long chat to Jack in Darwin 2 years ago. He was very well spoken and forthright - a most impressive young man. He seems very determined and of strong character. I have no doubt he will bounce back.
  20. Given that you are totally bereft of social skills Fl og - I would say staying at home would have been your best option. Although that would, no doubt, pizz your missus off.
  21. A certain rhythm no doubt. It would all depend on DC's musical prefs. I hope for the blue rinsers sake it's not "thrash metal"!
  22. Imagine the shock horror that photo must have caused among the loyalist blue rinsers in Borewood!! However, I have no doubt good old Daise would have stepped into the .. err breech and "consoled" all of them. Wheelchairs notwithstanding.
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