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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yeah Biffen will have a pair of dark sunnies on him and a tin in his hand. Couldn't imagine you'd make money out of him any other way!
  2. I was there that day. Quote from commentary. " The Dees are gunna be something" What the fu ck happened?
  3. The only thing that may have drawn Moonie back from the depths of depravity was Lordweaver's cane. (Note how it made a better man of me). However since Lordweaver appears to have gone to a better place - I must conlude that Moonie is [censored]. Throwing his his lot in with Biffen will only makes matters worse. Biffen will exploit him and he will be doubly [censored].
  4. Where are the sickos - Moonie and Biffen - tonight? Just asking.
  5. We will struggle to make the finals this year.
  6. I was about to deliver a putdown and say that I'm choosy about with whom I drink. However, having admitted to drinking with both Biffen and Moonie, such a claim would lack any credibility whatsoever.
  7. Errr .. I think it's females that already have the eggs Jazz!!
  8. I can't believe the defence of Merret he is a [censored] sniper. However, the inept MRP are the real villains of this show. It simply beggars belief that that incident is not, at the very least, made the subject of tribunal review.
  9. 1. Made the same mistake OD 2. Made it worse by sitting next to Moonshadow. 3. Can't express the disappointment. After some promising showings early in the year, this "effort" was as bad as anything I saw under Neeld. I don't know where we go from here.
  10. Get back to your immoral dalliances with the blue rinsers dc,the only authority that I will accept a judgement from is Lordweaver.
  11. Agreed Earl. The chattering classes must be kept in check. BTW. Good luck in your aspirations.
  12. I was there on Sunday. You didn't have to queue very long to get a beer - that was good. Moonshadow was downing them at a furious pace - that was good. However, despite what some posters above saw, I could not take a positive out of the game. We were weak and lacking in basic skills - It was like being transported back in time. There were no positives in that game. It was a membership killer. If I'm missing any thing please advise me. However, if it is positive, I will consider it bull sh ite.
  13. Just watched AFL 360 and saw what Stevie J copped a week for. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE [censored] KIDDING ME !!!!!
  14. Agreed Earl and I and wish you luck in achieving the high office of Marquess in the next Honours List.
  15. Biff - must I remind you of your place in society. You are a successful entrepreneur and exploiter of the unfortunate. However, let us consider your usual associates - bohemian types, prostitutes, perverts, deviants, molesters of various hues etc etc. I know you secretly aspire to social climbing but Romsey is beyond you. Keep your goals within reason ( and at about the same level as Moonie and, I suspect Frosty) I don't mean to be hurtful Biff - consider this tough love.
  16. Just let me clarify Moonshadow’s rather idiosyncratic way of dealing with the facts. (In other words he is bull shiting) True. I did sit next to Moonie at the game - because no one else appeared to want to. True. I did cover my seat with ease but to suggest I needed more than one seat is somewhat exaggerated . BTW The ox has a bigger ar se than me. True. I did guzzle quite an amount of beer. However, not only did Moonie slurp an equal amount but he became increasingly loud and abusive and frightened a child that was sitting in front of us. I maintained decorum at all times. The knee touching incident was quite accidental of course. BTW 1. I exceeded my pb at the gym and did a solid 1 &1/2 minutes on the treadmill. BTW 2. Moonie would not fit into a refined society such as the gentry of Romsey. Possibly even Borewood would be beyond him. However I'm sure he would fit right into Biffen's social circle.
  17. What you say is correct dc. So I wont say IDC. What I will say, is that watching Sunday's sh it has put me into a state on numbed apathy.
  18. High contact, high impact - I don't get it?
  19. Better still, find where Boomer lives and go slap that whinging little [censored] in the face.
  20. Just home. Worst piece of [censored] I've witnessed this club dish up for a long long time.
  21. Just heading off to the gym. Aiming for a pb on the treadmill - although a minute does seem a long time. A solid workout then on to Darklands. Meeting some of the lower classes today - I suppose a little humility will be good for me.
  22. At least spread your ill gotten wealth around and hire some honest tradies to do the job!
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