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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Agree! You cant just put your hands on someone's shoulders and hoist.
  2. I defended Watts on Demonland. Then I cooled off a bit. Now I say he is the best disposer we have - clearly. ..... BUT he is as weak as [censored]! Now I am unequivocally anti Watts. Get rid of him.
  3. Glad you also noticed RL. Dermie is the main culprit. Someone taught him to speak slowly in order to sound measured and intelligent but, to a discerning listener, he is a condescending [censored]!!
  4. Agreed a decent last quarter and we can hold our heads up.
  5. I sat through last week's debacle. Unless we improve by ......% (add your own large number) we will be shite upon. Could be 20 goals plus. No I am not going.
  6. Have to admire your subtle cruelty and sadism Biff. Admit you only alluded to the exquisite pleasure of the morning smoke and coffee to bring Jazza out in a cold sweat.
  7. Odd you should mention my apparel Biff. I had a "fine dining experience" last night and wore my suede jacket (sans tassels). Must say I drew quite a few glances of obvious admiration.
  8. Don't be so precious Biff. It's all in a day's work to you - surely.
  9. Quite correct Gallus ! There are too many posters who mindlessly derail sensible threads. I do my best to maintain some order but sometimes I am overwhelmed by the likes of OD's misery, dc's innuendo and Moonshadow's bizarre sexual suggestiveness, that it all becomes too much. Anyway onto important matters. I am going from strength to strength at the gym , however, I have now been instructed to carry a towel to mop up the pools of bodily fluids that I leave in my wake.
  10. You can rip Moonie off as much as you like "Dr. Biff" but he is beyond the help of even your most imaginative concoctions.
  11. I reckon McKenzie and Blease have had their cards stamped. Probably Tappy also.
  12. dc mostly cares about the next blue rinser he aims to seduce.
  13. Monday Night WDTA Inter Club Ladies Comp There are currently 3 ladies teams of varying standards in the WDTA Spring 2014 Competition. The Management team would like to thank Daisycutter for his incredible diligence and long after hours commitment in coordinating this competition. Any interested ladies of any standard (or age, or looks) who would like some Monday night (or any night's) action please call dc on xxxxxxxxx. (or pm via Demonland forums) You are just too modest dc. I just lifted this off the Borewood Tennis Club's website.
  14. Yes indeed. I suppose the "season" is just starting for you dc?
  15. Come on DC. You win more than your share of "grannys".
  16. I think think the "crouching" relates to the Toiges Mon.
  17. It must be subconscious. I'll have to get back to Freud and ponder your comments. God help me if you are correct!
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