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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Good night all. Just tap on the window when you arrive sweet.
  2. Give it a break and stick to topic SPR. This is not a football thread.
  3. "Been going out for 45 years. I'm only 60" Old bastard!!
  4. I hear a car in the driveway... the "lads" are honking .... is it sweet?
  5. Either you are older than OD or "She" was a child bride. Which is it? Fess up?
  6. Sweet dee hasn't posted for a while - I reckon she's on her way to my place!!
  7. Ha Ha Ha ha ha ah aah .... zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. That is funny hardtack. It is also sad and pathetic. FMD.
  9. My only interest tonight is getting sweet dee around to my place to discuss .. er ... err .. footy.
  10. Christ you're hard to please. I'll put on free home made (by the neighbours wife) chocolate pud.
  11. Just turned over to Geelong Hawks. Either that or blind myself with blunt knitting needles.
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