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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Demonland is some sort of alternative universe. Anyone who has posted more than once must realize this. What a bunch of lunatics!
  2. The key question of interest for me is what is the status of "Jab" Watson's Brownlow? Can he retain it if this banned substances ruling is substantiated? Would the second placegetter become the medalist? The AFL would not want to go into this territory.
  3. Don't get too carried away Jizza - I gave up smoking for 8 years and then started again. And gave up again ..and started again. Five years currently. Mark Twain famously said that giving up smoking was simple - he had done so several times!
  4. Just read Emma Quayle in today's Age (sorry can't do a link) but she rates this guy right at the top and claims he could be the best of crop with 3 or 4 years development. Interesting.
  5. Yes Biffen is a very considerate host - I only had to drive about 75kms.
  6. Yeah MWC ticked all the comedic boxes for mine? There is one other show that I would like comments from the wiseheads on - South Park. I'll give mine. Pretensions to some sort of notion that the humour was only suitable for intellectuals of the highest order. This meant that people could refer to it over coffee and pretend to be complicit without anyone having the slightest clue as to what they were talking about. Total tripe.
  7. I understand perfectly Sir. Possible embarrassments with the maids etc.. I'll pm you the salient facts.
  8. Or a wet lettuce leaf OD. Essendon are a power club with huge support. Their continuence means dollars and the AFL will protect its dollars - forget integrity! The AFL wants this over and done with. Dumbetriou tried to engineer this from the start but it was beyond him.
  9. And another Pommy classic of that era was the "The Rag Trade" (OD may remember this one) where If memory serves me Reg Varney started. Seinfeld is a crude pie chucker compared to that lot!
  10. BTW you wackers have no idea of comedy or good taste. What about a bloke named Tony Hancock or another - Sid James. English comedy always [censored] on everyone else by a mile. The yanks produced a pizzant Archie Bunker to rival Alf Garnett - total failure. Who can beat Steptoe? Actually the yanks did come up with one good one "Al Bundy" and his dysfunctional family.
  11. Those places are quite classy Clit - I'm talking sawdust on the floor!
  12. The truth of the matter- I received a short notice invite from Biffen to join him for lunch. Normally this would arouse suspicion and trepidation but,as the suggested venue was a respectable country pub, not a million miles from Romsey – I accepted. Gullible me. At the last moment Biffen changed the venue to a miserable little inn, in an even more miserable town that I had never heard of. No mobile coverage! Upon entering the bar I immediately realised that if ever they wanted hillbillies for a remake of “Deliverance” – this was the place. I immediately regretted bringing the Merc but at least I could still see it through the murky windows. Biffen arrived – chauffer driven no less – by a particularly disreputable looking fellow and escorted me into a dingy area at the back of the pub. Of course, I was by far the most fashionably dressed. Biffen and his “driver’ looked like common bogtrotters. I even sported my limited edition Mercedes watch which Biffen (the lout) referred to as “bling”! Biffen was well known and warmly greeted by the “locals”. The waitress had enough tatts to qualify as street art and Biffen immediately began to regale her with tales of his “penthouse” in St.Kilda and how could offer her far greater opportunities for career advancement. The barmaid ( a particularly slatternly type) sported a nose ring that would have controlled the most unruly of bullocks. Welcome to Biffen’s world! Biffen played “mine host” and ordered me something that looked like warm road kill hidden under greasy chips. Beautifully plated! He also managed to find a cheap and nasty shiraz to wash it down with. There were some interruptions while “mine host” had to step outside to conclude business transactions. The actual purpose of the lunch was a crude attempt to drag my good name into a business deal involving an environmental scam and the abuse of 457 visas. Typical Biffen. Anyway, I survived the experience. As I’m sure Earl Hood would agree it is sometimes necessary to mix with the vulgar elements of society to humbly remind oneself of one’s superiority.
  13. You been reading "The Golden Book of Cliches" Flo g?
  14. You must have been pizzed for years Clit. That was some of the most simplistic and banal television ever made. Sadly (and unbelievably) too many people actually viewed it as some sort of model for proper social behaviour and living life in general. FMD!!
  15. That seems an extraordinary amount Moon! That would just about require AFL administration.
  16. Indeed Biff, but unfortunately the [censored] don't get it!
  17. I realize this a privately owned site Gnasher but subjective interpretations of what is racist and what are not are dangerous, potentially inflammatory and can in fact give credence to [censored]. Let the [censored] expose themselves - most people are reasonable and will see through the [censored].
  18. No slept in. Have to leave here by 6.15. Had a discussion with bed partner instead.
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