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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. The Earl will be devastated if that is so. He was very confident of being recognised. He may well top himself if worst comes to worst!!
  2. Congrats ... Long overdue !!
  3. They would have been dc .. but I applied judicious censorship to avoid such problems.
  4. You disappoint me Dr. I considered you rather broad minded and yet you churn out a sadly sanctimonious post. I actually doubt if "every other thread descends into waffle" and .... in any event, waffle has generally been superior to discussion of football in recent times. Some members like my shite ... some don't. If the Mods pizz me off that's fine ... if they don't , put me on ignore. However I would have appreciated you confronting me directly with your concerns. Had you done so, I would have happily (and rationally) responded with my point of view.
  5. Well I don't care about New Year. I'll spend it on my own. I'll drink wine and watch TV. Nobody invited me anywhere. Why? I'm witty and good company. [censored] you all!!
  6. And the fact that the girls were good Irish Catholic virgins.
  7. Do something charitable for once in your life Biff. Shout Moonie half an hour with one of your girls. He'll either man up or die.
  8. Good to see you have recovered from the OD Biff. Re the Irish. One sunday a few years ago I was in Cricklewood in London. I went into this pub and there were a couple of paddies playing a tin whistle and a fiddle.. The audience (all micks) were crying in their beers and longing for home and a feed of potatoes. Dumb bastards didn't think to take a 45 min plane flight.
  9. Settle down Moon! Haven't you heard of the internet? This the age of free for all porn! A sheila in a bikini is hardly front page news anymore.
  10. Makes up the numbers.
  11. And they are shite cricketers!
  12. Once again. I feel that the world has passed me by.
  13. Well picked up Ak. I do not suffer from dementia but on occasion, I have alcohol induced memory issues. Not satire, but subtle humour ( for the cognoscente such as yourself) based on the fact that as India is a British Colony, (long live the Raj) a reference to The Ashes would be considered inclusive.
  14. About 4 years ago I spent 3 weeks in San Fran (note the hip abbreviation). I lived just on the fringe of the "Castro" district but ventured into the Mission district more than once. I discovered a remarkable variety of Mexican beers - and enjoyed them all.
  15. You'd onlybe able to read those tatts if they were on the back of the neck Jizz!
  16. Now here is a point of difference Jizz. We "plastic farmers" have to work for our dollars. We do not receive the obscene government subsidies and tax support that your lot do. In fact, I am am probably subsidizing your luxurious lifestyle. Next time you buy one of Biffen's whores, think of me.
  17. Get it yourself Mr Technology.
  18. I'm still here dc.
  19. You are crude and vulgar Biffen. It is particularly disgraceful to make such suggestive comments at this holy time of year. I am also very bitter and jealous that I did not think of that one liner before you.
  20. Just awoke after a big big day at the cricket. Ashes cricket is always exciting. Thankfully the weather gods ignored that selfish cow cocky Jizza and it didn't rain.
  21. Typical bloody cocky! Always thinking about yourself! What about important matters - such as the impact of rain on the Boxing Day Test?
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