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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I have to say I've never considered that line as a conversation starter! "Hi, my name's Uncle Bitter, are you familiar with fungal infections?" I think it needs a bit of work Red - perhaps some advice from Lothario?
  2. Thanks for the offer Jizz but it would need a Richter scale shot. Nothing like a tropical climate to get the best out of a bit of fungus.
  3. Give it a break worm, JVF is expressing his view. Like it or not, it is not trolling.
  4. Well, in fairness, how was I to know it was the girl's first experience of a chronic fungal infection?
  5. The girl who attempted to give me a foot massage and pedicure used a similar description before taking Ill
  6. BTW Don't think less of me because of the old lady. There is a campaign against begging ATM , so I was actually undertaking a civic duty
  7. Say a tidak tahu kata ini.Air Asia did the business and I am safely in Yogyakarta and being venerated by the locals. Enjoyed soto ayam for lunch today and washed it down with several bintang. Just wandered around Jogya''s red light district. It is pretty tame but the beer was icy cold. I knocked a blind old beggar lady over but otherwise no real entertainment
  8. Thank you all for the wonderfully unfunny posts. I've just enjoyed Nasi maguluring for makan pagi - maybe my last as I'm waiting on an air Asia flight to Jogjakarta . Stayed at an $18 per night losmen last night. It had a pool - roughly the size of my dining table
  9. I won't be forgiving or clean slating anybody. I'll happily continue with my carping, sniping, sexual innuendo and backstabbing. Happy New Year.
  10. Just thought I'd let all you effers know that Demonland will be diminished for the next week or so as I am travelling to Indonesia. However, you may be assured, that Uncle Bitter will be a fine ambassador.
  11. Well not only a stats man HEMLOCK. C and B is a man of loose morals and works his way through a procession of hornbags. I must say his current love causes me severe palpitations.
  12. FMD! I would have to go off the grog for at least 3 days to understand the above stats. The odd part of that is that i passed stats at uni to level 2. FMD that's scary.....
  13. You won't get a bite with that obvious bait Jizza. You just have to get away from your four udder mindset.
  14. Just shows what a thoughtless [censored] Frawley is. Could have at least acknowledged the kid's letter. FMD. But good work from the club in the way they handled the matter.
  15. I haven't commented on Jake because I'm uncertain of where he is at fitness wise atm. However, I remain confident that he will be an important player in Melbourne's future.
  16. Probably because we are either (due to previous disappointment) over pumping Jack up .. Or we accept the fact that what you see is what you are likely to get ( and are disappointed) .... Or.. we quietly hope that Jack will have a "breakout year" but don't say anything (because we don't want to be disappointed ...again).
  17. You're spending too much time in with bluerinsers dc. It's addling your brain.
  18. Profound and important matters Jizza. However, I don't know the answer, as Capybara are quite close to the ground and I've never succeeded in getting the milking cups on them.
  19. It's not about you Col. More likely Biffen would be concerned he'd have to buy a round. Make it clear the grog is on you and he'll be there in a flash.
  20. Agreed. While I dont want to add to the expectations on Hogan, if he doesn't show a bit we're in trouble. As mentioned on another thread I like the look of Frost and we need Garlett and Heritier (as experienced imports) to be consistent contributors and leaders.
  21. Much and all as I repect Danger, I think Miss Hoog has gone to your ..... err head Curry!
  22. A look at the members list shows that there are plenty. However, many rarely post. This tells me they are either wise and considered people or they a bit reluctant to post because of some the loudmouths (you know who you are) on this site. Maybe someone could bump the introductions thread, or create a thread for new or low number posters to say hello and tell us what (if anything) hinders their posting more often. Anyone over ,say 500 posts, should keep off the thread.
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