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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I've met a couple of Demonlanders Song, and I'm sure they have been both impressed and humbled.
  2. I hope you're either a real charmer Jizz or have a large er.. vocabulary. Because I'm just trying to imagine all the girls about town looking for a night out after the Grand Pri ck flocking to the Beech Forest pub. Ha Ha Ha ................ FMD Even's Biffen's Gat slags wouldn't go there.
  3. It's all about discernment (or lack thereof) Earl Hood. Unlike those of polite society, Biffen's idea of an extravagant banquet is unlimited soy and tomato sauce. And .. as for good wine .. let me just say that if it comes in less than 2 litre containers, he considers it pretentious.
  4. Fantastic Jane!! Now all you have to do is divorce your filth supporting husband. Then ... well who knows .. you might be on the lookout for an eligible, charming, handsome, cross dressing fashionable male. ( Possibly from Romsey)
  5. As usual Biffen makes much of little! OK there was a little incidental groping er contact but it was simply a result of the large crowd pushing me forward. Just like the health club - all quite explainable and reasonable.
  6. Just let me add Mable - lest there be any misunderstandings. Your underlying premise is quite correct - Biffen is a charlatan and tax evader!
  7. Good to hear from you again Mable. However, you need to understand that Biff actually spent no money! BTW Where have u been? Visiting Canadia?
  8. Biffen got me again (great mistakes repeated) I reluctantly accepted an offer from "I know Ballarat like the back of my hand" Biffen to attend the footy with him. We arrived by train and, acting on Biffen's advice, bypassed the taxis and strode to the nearest public house. Followed by the next nearest.... "The ground's only 5 minutes from here",quoth Biffen. Well after a 10 minute taxi trip we arrived 10 minutes after the start. I had forgotten my member's ticket so Biffen took cash off me, grabbed a nearby child and purchased a family ticket. True story. I seemed to be buying most of the necessary liquid supplements while Biffen stood and displayed his tweed jacket. Yes Tweed Jacket! It was obviously stolen from an opp shop but Biffen claimed it made him look sophisticated when worn over his stained Tshirt. True story. I have to say the sunshine did nothing for his other hygiene issues either. In a weak (insane) moment I had agreed to "shout" dinner. Again Biffen's rat cunning shone through. Normally Biffen finds the cheapest and sleaziest establishments in which to dine. However, on this occasion, he directed us (via taxi for which I paid) to a half decent place with bloated menu and wine prices. Then he had the audacity to order the most expensive bottle of wine on the list. Quickly followed by another of which large amounts were dribbled onto the aforementioned Tshirt. I had shown the foresight to arrange a driver for my return journey. However, as I was a little tired by the evening's closure, Biffen inveigled himself into my vehicle and directed my driver to his establishment. I could forgive the fact that it was clearly premises for illicit purposes but taking us a lazy 100 k out of the way was a bit much. True Story
  9. A great day at a country footy match! Friendly crowd, mostly standing and mostly Dees I thought but none of the intermingled Bully supporters managed to annoy me. Maybe the fact that Ballarat provided a sunny day for possibly the first time ever had something to do with it. The drink tent was a real nostalgia trip with the local "Ladies Committee" serving full strength coldies out of an ice tub. The only sour note was that I had to endure Biffen's company and BO but more of that on another thread. Despite missing the first 10 minutes, obviously the first half was the highlight of the game. And the highlight of that for me was JKH. It was easily the best I've seen of him and he showed real poise and confidence . He could be a surprise packet this year. Jetta looked the goods again and Frost is top pick up. Frost is also easily distinguished as he has jug ears like Adam Gilchrist. Lumumba showed pace and the ability to be where the ball is. A full season from him will add a lot of bite out defence/midfield. And talking of pace means Garlett - another top selection I reckon. While I'm not going to pre order finals tickets just yet I did see enough to give me genuine confidence in team improvement and competitiveness this year.
  10. [censored] !!!! Just when I thought you were getting away from speaking Westralian!! Fl og
  11. A good case could be made for a choirboy to have a part in the above dialogue.
  12. Agree the most suitable train arrives about an hour before the game. Just have to go to the pub I suppose.
  13. If Biffen recommends the place then a "mixed grill" would be considered haute cuisine. Nothing at all for the more cultured palate.
  14. I'm sure your words of wisdom are always given due consideration sweet!!!!
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