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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. FMD. I got thrown out of the Burvale by Leo Young who was head bouncer at the time. Had him covered for weight but he was too quick. A couple on the chin before I could blink and I decided to call it a night.
  2. Well if "The Pedo" can maintain that form, there is no need to!
  3. Haha! I like that idea Fester. Also like your cunning pun on stream! BTW. Jane02 I noticed you liked the post. Now Jane - here's an opportunity. Me, Biffen and Loonshadow need another classy sheila to accompany us to the footy. You will be expected to buy drinks and put up with sexist and racist comments - we're just normal blokes after all. Moonie can get a bit "touchy/feely" but it's all in good humour. Interested?
  4. I love your posts sweet but half the time I don't understand them!
  5. Malthouse sacked! What a scandalous and disrespectful way to treat the longest serving coach ever and an icon of the game! Just joking! Bwahahah! Bwahahahaha!
  6. I'll tell a true story. Biff invited me for lunch ( he was going to pay but I ended up bearing the cost). It was a sleazy sh ite hole but Biff enjoyed it. Anyway, this poor toothless slag arrived and handed Biffen money. He introduced her - "Shazza" Shazza was his main girl. It was pathetic really because Shazza was all over Biff - he told her he loved her and they would soon live in a mansion in Burwood. She was happy with that and went back to work.
  7. He could at least wear some band aids or sticking plaster you'd think. No wonder the Gat girls handover all their takings.
  8. I was ready to do my bit Moon but the ice addicted Biff with green teeth, sores and pus etc looked dangerous. Even the Bully drug heads knew a lunatic to be avoided.
  9. Get your hand off it Mord! OD was making the type of comment we all make when discussing footy (opinion type stuff). Don't make a big deal just post your own viewpoint!
  10. Had a pleasant day at the footy yesterday, despite Biffen and Moonie hanging on my coattails . It wasn't so bad really. Biffen was having an alcohol free day in order to concentrate on drug taking. And Moonie .... well Moonie got pi ssed early so I was able to con him into buying me beamers instead of beer. Had to sit in the outer obviously , because neither of those two cheap bast ards would buy premium memberships. Also had the chance to read that article about the oversupply of old sla gs in Borewood. dc you are a disgusting wretch!
  11. FMD that sheila with the tatts looks tough. I wouldn't try to pinch her beer!
  12. You took the words right outa my mouth barn!!
  13. The fungal infection is acting up again so (for the sake of those nearby) I will not wear sandals. It follows then that I shall leave the toga in the "Roman" room at Romsey Manor.
  14. I'll go down in a "tide" of alcohol if I have to endure another capitulation this afternoon I'll go down in a "tide" of alcohol if we happen to knock them over. Win win situation!
  15. I did some money on that game but FMD, I don't mind too much as it was terrific to watch. Can only (wet) dream about Melbourne playing like either of those teams. Sadly it shows we are nowhere near that standard. Not sure we ever will be.
  16. Col was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Simple as that.
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