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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Do you aim to get written into the wills dc or is it purely sensual pleasure you crave? Just asking!
  2. Well done Fl og! You passed that literacy test I set you! But don't get overconfident - It's 6 year old work next week.
  3. Nah!! It would be more like "breach of promise lawsuits" - that sort of stuff. Actually I'd love to hear the bull sh ite he expounds in order to part those arthritic old knees!
  4. I want all you blokes (I think Moonie is a bloke) to be nice to Mable. She is the only sheila who might be brave enough to accompany me Biffen and Moonie to the footy. ( Unless Fl og wants to join us) I invited Jane02 the other night but she told me to [censored] of - claimed to be married. As if that matters!
  5. Couldn't be -the plot is far more realistic and plausible than H and Away!
  6. We are coming off a good confidence building team win. In an ideal world you'd like to go unchanged into the next round. However, if Viney and Jetta are fully fit they are logical and team strengthening inclusions. Bail and M Jones would be the likely losers. I do have concerns over Jetta's situation though.
  7. Don't be a smart arse (for once) dc. I rang the effers up and abused them for their tardiness, whereupon they offered me a future free meal. I told them stick to that up their arse and that I would never do business with then again. I also promised them bad publicity - hence the face book issue. I am a vindictive person. Rudhars Indian Restaurant in Romsey = a croc of sh ite.
  8. Anyway, once again, I need technological help. I want to slag the new Indian restaurant in Romsey - "Rudhar's". The fools couldn't find the manor so my dinner was over an hour late. Could some of you facebookers please slap them for me?
  9. Settle down Song - we all have different perspectives. I did note the bugler but I was more involved with the passion of the Dees supporters around me and also the chagrin of the Bullie's supporters around me. I'm sure I enjoyed the win just as much as you - as I said , don't get sanctimonious - we are all sitting in the same boat - just different seats.
  10. Nah Biffen is the porn expert.! Anyway don't get too sanctimonious Song - a thread on the [censored] bugler is hardly of cutting edge importance to the club!
  11. How can any sheila knock me back? The world is passing me by.
  12. Be cautious Jane! We know your other half supports the filth - so the day will come when decisions have to be made. Anyway - I get your message. So my love will have to remain unrequited for the moment. You have just added to my sufferings!
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