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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well ...err yes. Alpacas are related to camels. It wasn't the armpits though.
  2. Hope you are right about the improvement Red. At present Fitzy maybe the Jack of all trades but he is certainly master of none.
  3. Just heard from Biffen for the first time since he embarrassed me at the football last Monday. The fellow has no sense of propriety whatsoever. Anyway he is currently bragging about his latest venture in social climbing. Apparently he was invited to a "degustation" dinner by one of his colleagues. Biffen fairly gushed about the night. The menu consisted of "Sav soup" - that's what left after you have the actual savs for hors d'oeuvres and , naturally, a parma and chips for the main. The wine list was equally impressive - lots of bubbles, five litre casks of "South East Australian" dry red and flagons of Tawny Port to finish. Classy.
  4. I'm with you Ethan. For us to have any credibility in terms of improvement (or hope ) we need to put this one away.
  5. I'm not prepared to concede that dazzle - I've done my fair share of playing over the years.
  6. It wouldn't be modest if I was feeling optimistic. Freo's shellacking also damaged my available gambling funds.
  7. I've fed the lads and sent them off fox squashing. Now considering a moderate investment on sportsbet. Lunch with Biffen will probably be its usual costly disaster so I'll be in need of a dees win to lift my flagging spirits and bank balance.
  8. Agree with that Young. Besides Fitzy was deplorable last week.
  9. "untiring support of the MFC" is best rewarded with a bong RL.
  10. I fear my esteemed upper class mate Earl Hood may not being enjoying his free trade non genetic modified latte this morning. I have noted, sadly, that his name does not seem to appear as a gongee on list printed on this day of celebration in honour of our esteemed monarch's nativity. His selfless work in dealing with the eerr .... dregs of our community is again unrewarded and unrecognized.
  11. I don't need any warnings. Lunch with Biffen is always expensive.
  12. Now here is some surprising news - Biffen has suggested we go to the footy together. Well ok How about lunch first Well ok Bring your credit card FMD The fellow has no conscience or shame at all.
  13. "Boomer Harvey" - a great player no doubt. However, I'll only remember him as a whining squealing little [censored]!
  14. Indeed I was still a kid and "Hassa" was was a real hero. Number 29 If my memory serves me. Like Crompton, Hassa had a famous moment in 1964.
  15. Stick to my point Stu! Do you know nothing of debate? I'm guessing you do - if it is of a mass nature. And ..don't bother to tell me to stick to my own rule of sticking to the point.
  16. How do you know their motivations/thoughts Stu? Spoken to them recently? Maybe some dollars also has something to do with it?
  17. He also provides us with muscle and aggression at the contest. That is something we have been sadly lacking. I'm sick of Melbourne players being brushed aside or unable to hold a tackle. Our pizzweakness (sic)has been plain embarrassing over recent years.
  18. You got something against blokes looking like sheilas Rusty?
  19. The Penthouse at the GAT is the centre of Biffen's reality. When he is doing drugs there - geography, politics, money etc all just blend into the haze.
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