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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Haven't read much of this thread because (to use an Americanism) it is a crock of [censored].
  2. He's not a "great". He fails the longevity test!
  3. Took an army of cleaners several days to scrape up the shrapnel!
  4. Yep! Jones knew exactly what he was doing. The grin as he walked off said it all. Leadership statement!!
  5. Following your normal rules of good taste you will name the elephant ................?
  6. Yes but you'd have to be a smart arse and adopt a Musi elephant!!
  7. Correct chook. That's why I follow the mighty dees!
  8. FMD!! Is that Jesus?? You got Jesus on your side Stu? That is impressive!!
  9. Just because you are going transgender (for the moment) it doesn't mean you can adopt the high moral ground!!
  10. Stuie is never right! That is a fundamental of Demonland!!
  11. I will when you do Moon!! So ! feel no pressure!
  12. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!
  13. If it wasn't for the intellectual challenges of Demonland I'd become an alcoholic!!
  14. Don't confuse age and IQ Moon. Although in your case it's probably about right!!
  15. Well let's keep it simple for you Stu! You are a [censored]!!
  16. Stop watching me walk Stuie!! I feel I have no privacy with your constant harassment and stalking across threads!!
  17. Jesus special! .... another pervert on Demonland!!! I'm glad I didn't take you to Canberra!!
  18. I remember parsing at primary school. Lovely girl ....... .......... - often wondered what became of her. Probably one of Biffen's Ellen's slags.
  19. In fact Ethan ... I think you need a jolly good flo gging!!
  20. I know blokes who take the pizz Ethan ....but you're offering it ..... you concern me!!
  21. I'll be so happy, I might give the squeeze a jolly good flogging.
  22. If we pay him the right dollars he will re sign. That is the reality.
  23. I wouldn't worry overmuch dc. It's just another "phase". You will recall he went all sanctimonious about drugs and alcohol recently - lasted about 2weeks. This will be the same - he'll get sick of waxing his chest. The thoughtless foul mouth drug head alcoholic that we know and love will soon be back to his pimping ways.
  24. Thanks for the "heads up" dc!! I just watched the show!! FMD - I reckon Nora was Biffen eerr. Ellen .... FMD - even I'm confused!!
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