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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. While I'm uncertain of the impact The Truth had on the North Fitzroy Push, I must say it had a profound impact on me. Helped make me the man I am. "Heart Balm" was my source to learn norms of proper social and relationship behaviours. It also provided a wonderful devils advocate to the sexual and moral education provided by the Christian Brothers. Explains a bit about me I suppose.
  2. Tough break for to be employing at this time Biffen. Once your potential slaves employees realize they can get $10.00 /hour at 7/11, you won't see them for dust!!
  3. Notice our irregular correspondent from The Gat is still MIA. One can only speculate .... arrested perhaps?
  4. Have you considered the likelihood that you were the cause of our recent disaster od? Chaos theory tells us that a butterfly breaking wind in New York can cause a brother and sister to divorce in Tasmania - or something like that. So just consider the possible implications of your untrammelled positivity on an unsuspecting universe.
  5. You're no comedian Stuie but you certainly make me laugh.
  6. Two year deal - that is enough to end all speculation. Either he will or he won't.
  7. Good point Jack - now I know why you are a lawyer (shifty [censored]). What I should have asked was, "what mags did those [censored] who evolved into bun packing hipsters read in the 60's"?
  8. BTW anyone noticed Biffen has been very quiet of late?? Anyone care ?? No OK!! I believe he is over his transgender foolishness. However he is still doing drugs at an alarming rate. Still bludging off Social Security I believe. Still has my credit card.
  9. Good God Lord Earl Hood!! I know being "of the blood" is an exclusive privilege, but even I draw the line at responding to my own posts. However, I do see the logic and reasonableness of it.Edited typo
  10. What mags did the man bun north Fitzroy hipsters read back in the 60's?
  11. And it means we'll most likely get the [censored] kicked out of us in the final round also.
  12. My gardener looks at the pics in Zoo. Speaking of pics made me think of Pix which led me to Post and Man. Arrrhhhh the good old days.
  13. Will go on to be our second 300 gamer and a club great.
  14. Love your passion Jaded. My advice for a good weekend - destroy your TV.
  15. Yes Dee-vina, I imagine it must be a terrible let down to be trembling in anticipation of unwrapping one of my literary gems only to be disappointed at the denouement.
  16. I reckon it's time to come out of the closet picket!! Declare your love for dazzle and be done with it. You'll feel better.
  17. Refer to your online favorites and answer that question yourself Redtube eeerr I mean Redleg.!!
  18. I know I'm not allowed to be negative .... but ...FMD ..... we'll get the [censored] kicked out of us.. What a [censored] up we've become. Jesus, I don't think I can cop much more of this - apparently since my negativity has contributed to us being the basket case we are.
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