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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Ha! Would you believe that is the second obscure linguistic term that has come to my notice in the past fortnight? A former colleague sent me a text about "collocation". Hadn't heard the word for I reckon 20 years but I did at least remember it. "Pleonasm" however, sent me to the reference book. As to "remuneration" - I will need more evidence of your credibility than a mere Hopping Dick before I part with my ill gotten gains. Edit typo
  2. No doubt that's what started but this guy kept it up even when Big Bob was filling the goal square in the VFA.
  3. It's all guessing at this stage I suppose - educated or not. As I mentioned on another thread, I had very positive reports on Parish as a pick up but his size might be a concern. Curnow also has very good credentials but is a big lad and this could be the difference.
  4. Remember him well - as bbub pointed out number 8. One radio commentator at the time always called him "Tassie Bob ". You'd remember him playing surely SWYL?
  5. A disgraceful post! Go and give yourself a jolly good flogging nut.
  6. Be even better if we could transplant about 15 kg of Daw's muscle onto him.
  7. I, of course, shall continue to remain aloof from all forms of vulgarity and poor taste.
  8. Do you think he swears eternal love as he humps them off to the beyond?
  9. MMmmmmm.. fair point Moon. I had forgotten Dr. John's roots. I think he needs to explain the derivation of this place name and his part in it.
  10. Don't be such a hypocrite Biffen!! At least dc does not hide his predatory ways - we know what he is chasing. (Although some would consider hunting prey that relies on a walking frame a little questionable)
  11. It is this level of vulgarity that makes the "Lads" insist on banning you. The credit card incident didn't help either. However, given your Asian liaisons, I would like your opinion on my post 17974. The Doctor was useless.
  12. The "Lads" are very discerning about guests. So I doubt that any of the perverts that post here would be welcome. However, if said perverts were weighed down with wine .... or ( licentious) women .. they would be welcomed with open arms. As for Song ... well we all know what he's like.
  13. No. The local oriental take-away is on Uncle Bitter's punishment list. They did not bow and scrape sufficiently. I now take my wealth elsewhere.
  14. Correct he is a troll and a disgrace. He continually belittles other posters then whines when he gets a bit back.
  15. My renewal ticked over on my credit card yesterday ( Yes it's the card I recovered from Biffen). Anyway the dollars seem to have jumped a bit. Hope I finally get some value.
  16. I'm having a deja vu moment here but , I need to know - is Kai si ming the dish of choice in Borewood?
  17. Dr John. You are clearly a man of letters ...and numbers... so you maybe able to help me out with this. I have heard (yes I know hearsay) that in certain establishments in SE Asia that young female employees are in fact, identified by a number that is textered on their .... argh ... person. Apparently the idea is that if you wish to have an intellectual discussion with said young ladies, you ask the maitre d to invite, let us say number 69 24 over to your table. Is that your understanding of the process?
  18. Your use of "overweight" was unnecessarily hurtful. I am retiring for the evening.
  19. Indeed!! What sort of an ignoramus could do without my sage advice on all matters?
  20. Don't be silly Moonie! Do you know of a low [censored] that would snitch about pm's and then send one like that?
  21. OK ... we'll get an authority ... a real old bastard. Where's OD?
  22. 56!!! I'm claiming seniority. No way they were wooden .... had to be cork. Did you start drinking at an early age bb?
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