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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Mea culpa! Mea culpa!! As a good catholic boy I have a confession to to make. I regret to say that weight of my brilliance has overburdened this site and caused it to be off the air for the last several hours.
  2. Are some missing the point here? Women's footy is in a developmental stage. Support it! Embrace it so that more more resources and money are tipped into it. Until recent years the corporate/financial/media support for netball has been [censored] weak. The Matildas are struggling for a quid. Unless women have financial support they will not be able to participate. Without widespread participation no women's sport will flourish. So yes - get behind it!
  3. Was Dland just down for a while, or was I spinning in and out of reality?
  4. OK, some on here were looking for a bigger whack but the Bumbers are well and truly in the [censored] again so let's ...enjoy the moment!!!
  5. Is it a rural Borewood dc? Or is that Borewood is an urban Warragul?
  6. I thought John Meeson was going to be an out and out star for us.
  7. I'll keep it to myself of course Earl ...but did Lady Penelope have any err... preferences for ... eerr access are positioning ... well any particular page of the KS?
  8. Okay one more confession. I'm pizzed off with Gnasher for having this site 1 hour out of sync with reality. It is seriously doing my alcohol damaged head in!
  9. OK, I'll make a confession. Now I don't want anyone to make some sort of Freudian transference to the Jess Trengove thread but I confess to having serious hots for Lisa Ondieki. Cant say anymore ATM - getting excited.
  10. Come on picket.. now is the time to fess up to watching internet porn. We won't tell Mrs,picket
  11. I fear my confession would fill several pages of this thread.
  12. You should have continued dc, and meandered in a roughly NW direction, until you reached sunny shores of Romsey. The inadequacies of Borewood would have been immediately apparent.
  13. A ridiculous article that lacks any credibility whatsoever. I glanced at it expecting to see Romsey firmly entrenched at number1 but to my and the lads chagrin, Romsey was not mentioned. The lads were so outraged they damaged their computer and have cancelled their subscription to that vile newspaper.
  14. As usual, it seems, I have to be the whipping boy. Recently Biffen, a beastly fellow at best, described certain aspects of my behaviour as "putrid" - can you believe that? And now Dr, Hopping Dick uses some kraut swear word to offend my good self.
  15. Nice whack. Well it seems as though you had quite a spiffing adventure Earl. However, it seems to me you have been too generous with your staff. I mean .. what is the good of having servants if they are not servile? I suggest a few thrashings to encourage proper lickspittling Now as to these sarcocophagi you have "imported" - I presume you will not be sharing the details with your "free trade" friends. And where will you display them? Will your good lady's herbarium have to make way? I suppose I could provide some short term storage at the Manor but antiquities don't fit with my more post - apocalyptic layout. But each to his own in such matters of course.
  16. This is the crazy season - but who the [censored] is Harrison McKay?
  17. FMD!! Things are quiet! I can understand the unscrupulous lawyers not posting ... but where is everyone else? Well ... Biffen is doing porn Moonshadow is doing himself OD is doing his teeth dc is doing oldies Earl hood is doing the cheap free trade coffee palaces. R and bluebeard is singing soprano in a choir. I notice fautly det has been posting - well he'd be blowing himself. And as for Doctor Hopping Dick - FMD. Anyway that's just the posters over the last few days!!! Bunch of weirdos .. And people reckon I'm a pervert!! FMD I'm not even in the game.
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