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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yes you are an abject failure BB. You should have beaten your children the moment they showed interest in any other team but Melbourne.
  2. Come on. Don't let alcohol get in the way of your civic duty. Moonie is floundering - he needs help.
  3. Very glad you are online BF. Could you please educate Moonshadow as to how he should conduct himself on this thread and give him some idea of etiquette in general. I'm sure he would value your advice.
  4. BTW. All you banana freaks. Read today's Epicure. Banana bread has been deemed a very unhealthy food!
  5. Sea air?. Maybe a caravan park. Sell a bit of Meth, run a couple of big noses - Life's Good.
  6. Sounds like the Gat is no longer big enough for you. King Street?
  7. What about yourself Biff - fully detoxed?
  8. It's a place where Kiwis have multiple sex partners.
  9. Shiraz is my preferred poison RTG.
  10. Does this translate into less or more single Malt OD?
  11. Don't worry I'll reassure him that we are normal guys.
  12. Wel i hope you learn the pain of rejection when you are sad and lonely Moon. I'll ask Lordweaver to pray for you. Anyway have another look. Are you sure?
  13. And how can Connolly's (at worst stupidity) be equated to Hird's dalliance with substances that could injure others?
  14. That was my sister Moon. I posted that pic offering you a date. Now she's hurt because you didn't respond. You are a thoughtless bastard!
  15. Yep. Just another lunatic in the asylum.Well maybe one of the better class lunatics.
  16. Just to remind you all of my pathetic year on the punt. I put 50.00 on Melb, last year to make the 8 !!! What do they say about a [censored] and his money?
  17. Give me some credit for good taste Moon. I wouldn't be caught dead in any of that stuff!
  18. I don't think having dealings with Miss Palmer will help in stain removal.
  19. Now some narrow minds (aka Moonshadow) will consider this distasteful DC but I'm sure you will accept this advice in the spirit in which it is given. I can't actually speak for Betadine but certain , shall we say stains of a personal nature, can never be fully removed from undergarments. My best advice is to put them in a charity bin and replace with items stolen from a poorly guarded clothesline.
  20. I tried to PM him last night but it bounced back.
  21. Have you forgotten? The national alpaca show is in Bendigo mid October? However, if you must go to the wedding encourage your son to be a bigamist - we need all the members we can get.
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