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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Go with most of that Ern but the Rorschach test !! I've only ever seen the beast with two backs in that.
  2. Yep Binboy you are dead set correct. Until we we see these boys on the park it's all speculation.
  3. All is well at last,Flo g is back Uncle Bitter is back. …… and, what’s more, I have a divine mission. My informant (a certain MD from Pulling One’s Appendage Creek) has let it be known that one of our esteemed fellow posters, the inestimable Stuie is sad and upset. Apparently the poor fellow has been forced to read excerpts of his own posts – a cruel and inhumane punishment if ever there was one. Well I’ll not tolerate such callousness!! I’ll hunt down the perpetrator of this justice injustice and buy him a case of decent shiraz give him a jolly good flogging.
  4. OD. You are either - (1) an imposter, as dc suggests. (2) On drugs (3) Drinking free Pinot at your sister's winery. Which will [censored] me off grandly as, apparently, Australia Post failed to deliver my invite,
  5. It happened here a couple of years ago. What a balls up it was. The amount of misdirected mail was mountainous. Finally there were enough objections from the good burghers to have them tossed out.
  6. Yes mine has arrived. I am relieved to see that the guaranteed ticket to the Grand Final still applies.
  7. You just don't get it Stu! This is an information thread posted presumably for the benefit of all but you just can't help being a confrontational little twerp.
  8. Good work Barney. You can have a threesome with Betty and Wilma as a reward.
  9. Luke Hodge has been around for a while bing!!!!
  10. He's 18 and does a dickhea d act. I'm a number of decades older and still do dickhea d acts. Give the kid a chance. He might just learn a lesson.
  11. AAhh Biff! You were born a generation (or some) too late. Think what you could have added to the great musicals like Sound Of Music and South Pacific. Or perhaps Gilbert and Sullivan? The Mikado set at The Gat seems a winner. Or Peter Allen might have called Fitzroy Street home.
  12. Parish is our pick 3 - back it in . Weideman is our likely second pick.
  13. I read it this morning Jack and I was none the wiser. FMD!!
  14. Oddly enough Special, I am also considering the Hobart adventure. I must say your excellent choice in apparel surprises me. I thought you were one of those "poor people'' who myself and Earl Hood are condescending towards. Still I suppose your good taste aspirations in clothing could be satisfied at one of those charity places. Shops of Opportunity or some such i believe they are called. BTW the merc 4wd doesn't have a boot as such.
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