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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Tell your sheila thanks DHD!! I wish they were wearing numbers.
  2. It is always a wonderful thing to watch moral outrage fester on Demonland. In my view SWYL posted an opinion of a possible alternative behaviour, based on his experience, for the reporter. Agree with it or not, but I fail to see any good reason for the personal bashing he has received because of it.
  3. Gee .... it's ages since I've been sexually harassed.
  4. Ha ha ha !! dc that is hilarious!! What interest does a shagger of oldies like your good self have in the bones of the foot? FMD!! The old buggers would be on their back I'd imagine. Haha ha ha !!! FMD!!
  5. What a [censored] up club we are!! Yet we all love it!! It follows that we must all be [censored] up!!
  6. Thank you Doctor - you're post explains much. Indeed during my time with the Christian Bros, corporal punishment did not hold much joy, but nowadays .... ah well ...attitudes change. However, what really interests me is "your couple of years in bondage". Please provide more details. This could be a world record. PS. To all you smart arse pedants, my spelling mistake in the first sentence was deliberate. PPS. Doctor, you exhibit a number of ".tendencies". PPPS. All laudable of course; PPPPS. Just joshing. PPPPPS. BTW Doctor how is New Year celebrated in Hopping Dicks Creek? Are straw men burnt etc?
  7. Well I am feeling my way at the moment Ernie so I'd appreciate a little more positivity. Perhaps you could direct some suckers err I mean clients in my direction.
  8. I think it is time for another trip to the Philippines SWYL!!
  9. Well things appear to be returning to normal on this thread. I noticed that the intellectual content declined during my (enforced) absence. Anyway i'm sure i'm a better man for it. That brings back memories. The Christian Bros told I'd be a better man after they'd given me a jolly good flogging. Not sure about that. I wonder if the good Doctor was a former Christian Bro? The marriage counselling business has been slow to take off but I'll be patient. The lads are a bit jittery atm because they've heard that Biffen has been in the area. I've upgraded the locks on the barn so they feel better. I'm relieved to hear OD is still with us and my dear friend Fl ogger has survived his toilets.
  10. Has Jones ever finished that high previously? Can anyone remember?
  11. You're generalising dc. Biffen is entirely without ethics yet he has left a string of failed get rich quick schemes behind him. My information is that currently he is ripping off disabled people. BTW. Comments on theology should be left for those with tertiary qualifications in that field.
  12. dc has the "bluerinser" franchise Fl ogger! I'm not entirely without ethics!
  13. I don't think the issues of being "young men" and skin folds etc are mutually exclusive Curry. Players can and do have a break over Christmas (beer snakes come to mind) but within that context there is also a measure of fitness to maintain. They are given a break to do one but paid to do the other.
  14. Thank you for your enquiry Jesus. Either option is possible. Though Your favourite Uncle Bitter is now a confirmed do gooder I do have to make an honest living. If you want me to supply a "wife" there will be an increase on my professional rates. However, if you are a bit cash strapped ATM and, if you don't mind a lot of tatts and few teeth, I can do a reasonable deal.
  15. Players get paid a shitload and I cannot see any excuse (injury excepted) for not meeting the targets they were set for the off season. If this is indeed the case ,it is extremely disappointing and does not bode well for the culture we supporters are told is being built.
  16. Little matter to me dc - my preference in most matters is non natural.
  17. Well even I'm surprised that the first customer for my marriage counselling business would be Jesus!
  18. "Gold, pure gold." "Love it." And you call prosecutions of infantile behaviour and being excited as "over egging the pudding" ? Your football acumen matches your vapid commentary. A Ben Hur comment if ever I've heard one.
  19. Now I know my mate Stu wont take this the wrong way but I'm guessing you mean funny strange rather than funny hilarious Pro.
  20. Nice memory refresher of the year that was, thanks Jack. I was at that first GWS game in Canberra and my view of the team remained clouded by it. My optimism for 2016 is limited because while our improvement may steadily continue all clubs are pressing for success. Whether we can break clear of the mediocre pack remains to be seen. I think finals are beyond us this year unless the ducks line up with great good fortune but we will improve.
  21. Thank you for your support and understanding Biffen!! When it all comes down to it, I need to make a dollar while supporting those in need. While you, with a string of failed relationships behind you are beyond my help, I'm there are some on Demonland who would benefit from my wisdom in marital matters. Btw, I am already a platinum member that worthy organisation you alluded to.
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