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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Hope you kept in ..eerrr step during the Anniversary Waltz the other night Red.
  2. Still trying to get a report on Spencer. Did you see much of him CC?
  3. I must remember that.
  4. Thank you Earl Hood, it is only right that we of the well bred class support each other. I understand though that your buccaneering adventures in the Caribbean and subsequent dabbling in banana futures has left you in a state of penury. Under those circumstances I fear your "competitive" rates maybe beyond me. Moonie, I suggest you stick to your usual haunts for your voyeuristic habits and concomitant snowdropping ie your neighbours. Correct.
  5. Surely my old mate would be more of the Creationist or Bible Basher variety dc.
  6. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz! ZZZZzzzzzzz! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  7. We'll be able to join you at Sunday Service Stu.
  8. You present a very delicate problem Dr. at a time when my self confidence as a counsellor is under threat. I mean, it is quite humiliating to be labelled a “dirt pervert” while merely attempting to carry out one’s professional duties. (It seems I am dogged by misunderstandings) Firstly though, I must admonish you Dr, in that you appear to have brought the problem upon your own head by ignoring the golden rule of never trusting anyone with your ute, your dog or your wife. That said, I do sympathise with you Dr and will do my bit. However, I prefer not to fumble in the dark and require a closer feeling for the issue. Therefore, with this in mind, it would be best if you sent your missus down to Romsey Manor for some direct one on one attention from Counsellor Bitters. Rest assured, I will be vigorous in my efforts to get to the root of the matter.
  9. Glad I watched the cricket with the lads.
  10. "Unhinged" is not really an issue on Demonland Jesus H. It's a bit like marrying your sister if you live in certain parts of Tasmania or obscure backwood towns like Hopping Dicks Creek - compulsory.
  11. Great work WW!!! Did you see much of Spencer?
  12. Only the wine dc ... only the wine. Anyway it was largely an unfortunate misunderstanding.Blown out of all proportion really.
  13. You are far too modest in detailing your excesses achievements Dr. Perhaps some of your err.. shall we say libertine accomplishments could be expounded upon. I believe you were a pioneer of the practice of being, how shall I put it delicately, "generous" with your spouse? Which I suppose explains why you do not have the time to burn effigies etc on New Years Eve. As to my visit - obviously much will depend upon your explanation re the above. Also, I note your generosity but I prefer to bring my own apparatus when visiting.
  14. There is a "tell all' article in today's Age featuring our very own Dr. John Dee. That fact that our good Doctor is famous for being an alchemist and conjurer explains much. I have cancelled my planned visit to Hopping Dick's Creek.
  15. I have only read excerpts of the Hun article so far but it seems obvious that James was trying to do the right thing by the club and players but he was mislead by those around him. Poor bugger.
  16. Always a pleasure to hear from my old mate Fl og, however, i wish to make it clear that I do not intend standing for Local Government. I take your point OD - it's just that I like to think that I can do "sordid" better than anyone.
  17. A Victoria Police statement said: “Detectives from Stonnington Criminal Investigation Unit have conducted an extensive investigation after reports a woman was threatened by a man at a Chapel Street restaurant in Windsor on 5 December.” “After reviewing CCTV footage and speaking to all parties involved, including numerous independent witnesses at the restaurant on the night, investigators determined that no criminal offence took place." Dustin is a DH - on that we can all agree. However, the above statement is pretty clear - end of story.
  18. "However, as with every other member of the community, Dustin was entitled to the presumption of innocence until this very serious allegation was fully investigated." (Quoted from post 4 above) Some of Demonland's sanctimonious bodice rippers might do well to remember the above.
  19. He wasn't exactly tearing it up at Casey during his last season so you wouldn't think the Bummers would be expecting much. Back up I suppose and probably some mentoring/coaching.
  20. Yes chook I was also watching at that time. Thought it quite bizarre. Didn't quite know what Lloyd was getting at but there seemed more to it than simply a "professional" judgement.
  21. Always love your work ...luded. Especially when I can understand some of it.
  22. Thank you Doctor, I have previously enjoyed the benefits of your appreciation of my talents. How very sordid and cynical of you dc to imply that there is no place for love. I am not so selfish as to limit myself Moonie. In fact, I must confess, I have carried a torch for Jerry ( after I finally got over Doris Day) and was tempted to contact her after her break up with Mick. I reckoned an invite to Romsey Manor and a chance to meet the Lads would have been wonderful consolation for her. Alas other sensitive matters intruded at that time. Arrh well as Doris said Que Sera Sera.
  23. I'm younger than Rupe OD and I can't attract a flash sheila like her. What's old Rupe got that I haven't?
  24. Yep he takes his whack and then, hopefully, he becomes a successful (and welcome) member of our successful team!
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